In light of the lack of such an outlet and our lack of procedural accord with ED/RD applicants, perhaps I should take the initiative with this first step of creating a solitary thread for our communal anxiety/exasperation/cheer.
So, how goes it, RUE applicants? I’m a non-military, international applicant as smitten with Brown as the next guy. Submitted my app bang on the deadline and have been refreshing the self-service portal to simulate progression ever since.
Anyone else lurking here? Speak up!
I’m surprised no one is talking about RUE this year. Plenty of activity on previous years threads… I’m active duty- separating soon- applying for Earth Science with a 3.7. Has the portal marked off all of your docs? They still have not indicated my letters of rec as submitted.
Yeah my resume hasn’t been marked last I checked, though I did get an email confirmation. I wouldn’t worry about it, if any documents were missing I’m sure you’d have been notified by now, ss portals tend to be low-priority.
All of my required docs. are checked as received, however this only happened a few days ago, and they were sent over a month ago.
I applied for RUE last year and was rejected, but I was advised to enroll in a local college and try again this year with some recent coursework under my belt. I’ve done really well both semesters this year, and I am hopeful, but we really have no idea what the admission process is for RUE.
I am currently pursuing a double degree in linguistics–with a focus on semantics and pragmatics– and political science. My application focused on my desire for a more interdisciplinary curriculum, as well as the opportunity to enter one of their accelerated Master’s programs.
They finally found my LORs after providing tracking numbers showing delivery. Has any one heard anything about interviews? I know military were promised interviews and front-of-the-line application review.
Can anyone access the ASK (Advising Sidekick) section?
Yup. I urge you to not read too much into the portal/Brown site access. You will be able to access a lot more than you would expect, and our portals are going to change a bunch in the next few weeks. It will be a series of ups and downs if we try to read into it.
Unless you suddenly get access to a financial aid package, I don’t think much else would be indicative of a decision.
Coincidentally I’m also pursuing semiotics/international relations.
I applied for regular admission last year; competing with teenagers, & failing at that, was off-putting. I’m at that age-span where I can’t be compared to kids, yet I’m certainly nowhere near as accomplished as RUE applicants–it’s a small, moving target and I believe my only strong-suit lies in my essays.
I’m trying not to be hopeful at all. I want my rejection to be only moderately disheartening so I can sort of mitigate the fallout. Though nothing would satisfy me more than being offered admission, this was a moon-shot, and I gotta work on my post-rejection plans (and make them appealing enough so as to allot myself some pleasure beyond mid-March).
Just a heads up… Had my interview today. It was conducted by a Brown alumn who was also a veteran. She was awesome to talk to and very informative. She asked the basic questions why brown, what do you enjoy outside of class etc, but most of it was drawing information from each other through conversation vice straight q&a. Ran about 45 minutes. My problem is I speak a million miles a minute when I get nervous and she picked up on it, but overall it went well.
Had my interview today. The interviewer actually said it’s the best one he has had in years, but of course interviews hold little weight on the admissions decision so I’m not giving thinking to much into it. He said we should be hearing back “really soon.”
I’m a Marine Corps veteran with a pretty kickass story but I slacked off in high school so I’m nervous that it will get me a “no, but thanks for trying.” Ughh. My college GPA is a 4.0 with honors and tons of extracurriculars. Fingers crossed! Good luck to everyone!
@36chmbrs did you have 1 or 2 interviews? I had one interview with an alumni and another with a RUE and veteran rep. The second one came as a surprise as I thought the alumni interview was the only one. Either way both went well. The veteran rep told me they have 50 veteran applicants this year and anticipate accepting 10. Pretty good odds.
One interview so far! I’m signed up for another on the Doodle app later this week which I suppose is with the RUE rep. That is pretty good odds!
I got in
everyone should be hearing back soon!
Congratulations! For those of us still waiting over the weekend, how did you receive the decision, and are there any changes to your portal to indicate the decision?
Congrats man. The financial aid office contacted me this week over missing docs. It came after my interviews so hopefully that’s a good sign.
I just called Brown to get my decision instead of waiting with a sliver of hope for a rejection letter to make its way to me in the mail, and was told that decisions hadn’t been made yet, and they were on track for a mid-May decision.
The vet rep emailed me Friday night and said I need to call her- I called and she congratulated me on my acceptance! She said that I’ll get my actual acceptance letter and financial aid package sometime this week via FedEx. The aid package might come later though because the financial aid office needs my W-2s.
No changes on my portal. She said that they are trying to get the letters out asap because they know a lot of schools require applicants to make decisions in early May.
I had a bit of a unique/time-critical situation so I’m pretty sure that’s why I got called. Originally, they had told me that they don’t make calls. Best of luck to all of you!
I know that the application process is different for vets, I believe that your applications are reviewed first, so I wonder if non-military applicants are still in review.
Anyone elses status page change to just a decision but not actually give the decision?