Official Posting Time

<p>doesnt seem like itll be posted today then...</p>

<p>I really really liked Crash, and I didn't see any of the other nominees.</p>

<p>I agree that LA isn't really that racially segregated anymore, but they had a good point. My favorite line was the very beginning, about how LA doesn't have any touching like in a real city. </p>

<p>I still don't think of LA as being a real city. It reminds me of what Orange County will look like in a few decades (they're building skyscrapers in the middle of Irvine. ***)</p>

<p>It was a powerful movie. I forget who said it, but in terms of art, the viewer needs "The willing suspension of disbelief." it wasn't meant to be a documentary.</p>

<p>Yeaah, I doubt it will be posted now......oh weellllll</p>

<p>that is blasphemy!</p>

<p>So, which one of us is the admission's officer?</p>

<p>lol... the dizzying highs and the terrifying lows of the admissions process</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>don't forget they said 6 OR 7pm central time.</p>

<p>i got into the server, but.... there was no decision there!!! grr.. this was at 6:30.</p>

<p>oh man. the aim chat was a mess.</p>

<p>but word is that if they're not up by 7 central, they won't be up tonight.</p>

<p>but....then i can't sleep</p>

<p>but then they said today OR tomorrow. i wonder if they're just buying time til tomorrow.</p>

<p>they probably are trying. but there's a lot of letters.</p>

<p>they never said today or tomorrow</p>

<p>why do they torture us?</p>

<p>hm... has anyone beat lv 17 in bubble trouble?</p>

<p>they don't have to enter each decision manually at this point do they?</p>

<p>they'd probably overload the server if they sent them all at once...</p>

<p>I just don't think it's coming out tonight.</p>

<p>I have a feeling this is going to be like someone blowing off a dinner date. You guys are kinda funny. :)</p>