<p>gaaaahhhh!!!!! this is so frustrating!!!</p>
<p>So its probably not going to be tonight? Should I go to bed? I guess I will stay up a little longer and do some homework.</p>
<p>You guys are making yourselves crazy waiting for this... there is a good chance deciscions wont even be made until MID-APRIL!!!!!!! have a look.</p>
<p>"Thank you, Elliot, for applying to Northwestern University. The admission committee will review all your materials and send you a decision by mid-April."</p>
<p>there are advantages to living in california, and one of them is pacific time. :-P</p>
<p>darkadvantage: decisions are all finished. we'll be getting them tomorrow at the latest, since nu wants to get them out before the ivies do.</p>
<p>No, they said they made their decisions already and they were mailed today.</p>
<p>the "no" was in regards to darkadvantage</p>
<p>CC is acting so strange tonight. but i guess it is better that it works out its glitches tonight rather than thursday afternoon.</p>
<p>argh! this is so frustrating--i told my friends i would find out tonight, so tomorrow they're going to be asking me about the decision...boo.</p>
<p>Someone called the admissions office a while ago and they close at 8:00 and they said if the results were not up by then they'll be up tomorrow.</p>
<p>question: how many will northwestern admit? they said that they want a CLASS OF 1925 but they have to admit more because not everyone will go there....do you think they would admit something like 2400?</p>
<p>no a lot more than that.. they dont have 60% yield. lol</p>
<p>if they want a class of 1925 they will probably admit like.. 6000?</p>
<p>sounds about right roadrunner.</p>
<p>I would imagine they would take almost 5000, because Northwestern's yield is only about 40%</p>
<p>who said it'd be up tomorrow?</p>
<p>So does anyone know a when they are posting the results FOR SURE. I hate this.</p>
<p>No one knowsssss!</p>
<p>Maybe this is a message from the almighty.
Wait for the mail. </p>
<p>Which, according to USPS.gov, takes 1-3 days by first class mail.</p>
<p>Or perhaps this a-wong2 figure at Northwestern knows.. we should all send him a pleasant message.</p>
<p>so the notice on the website said about 18000 plus applied..if they admit 6000 that means that their acceptance rate is 33% which is relatively high if you compare it with the ives, unc for out of state, and wustl (6.2%)</p>