Official Posting Time

<p>If someone is rejected will they post that as well?</p>

<p>It won't be 33%. They probably took about 4800-5000 applicants to make a class of 1925. That's about a 27-28% acceptance rate, which is lower than last year.</p>

<p>Also, consider their early application round. How many kids did they take from that? If it's early decision, then they definitely won't take 5000 kids, more like 4000, meaning a regular decision accept rate of about 22%</p>

<p>they'll definitely be up tomorrow. the original message on the website said today or tomorrow. as today has already passed, i'm aiming for tomorrow after 6 central. or you could just wait for snail mail. </p>

<p>decisions, acceptances, waitlists, AND rejections, will all be posted up. everyone's decisions will be up, that's why it's taking so long.</p>

<p>I think your acceptance rate numbers are a little off for the ivies and wash u...because my college counselor told me that either Stanford or Harvard (I can't remember which) had just gotten down to 9%...</p>

<p>maybe they are, but i remember on my waitlist letter from wash u it said that they had over 21,000 applicants (i think) and they only admitted 1562 or something...but maybe thats what they wanted their freshman class to be. i am unsure but northwestern is still pretty high compared with the others
if they are not in single digits they are certainly in the teens</p>

<p>yeah, that's the class...I was waitlisted too.</p>

<p>imundecided - i read here that last year there was a glitch and only the acceptances got online right away, but hopefully they won't repeat that mistake. that's probably what's taking so long -- they're trying to get them all uploaded this time.</p>

<p>Would that perhaps mean that it'll be available online tomorrow morning?</p>

<p>this is what i mean when i said i wish this whole process would be a lot more human and would actually account for our continuous anxiety...I hate when the school says one thing and does another...this is becoming quite a pattern w/admissions this yr. ARG</p>

<p>Aw man? only 5000? Crud. If i got into UCLA, what are my chances at NU?</p>

<p>i think the problem with comparing which schools u'll get into and guessing where else u'll get in off those schools is that you have to assume each college is looking for the same thing.</p>

<p>regretfully, that's not true. each college is looking for a specific type of candidate so.. even if u got rejected from UCLA, you still have a shot at northwestern...and vice versa.</p>

<p>... the message that was previously posted said mail decisions were already sent? Sorry if I'm behind the times.</p>

<p>yes. 10char</p>

<p>decisions are still not up</p>

<p>Decisions are up! I got mine!</p>

<p>I got in!</p>


after all that waiting time. yay.
but im not that excited somehow.
ok well i must go study for my calc test and go to school.
g'bye y'alls.</p>

<p>i'm in :)</p>

<p>yay for randomly checking at 3 in the morning?</p>

<p>mine's not up yet!!!????</p>

<p>Ew. I feel pretty bad about not being able to get to mine right now.</p>