Official Posting Time

<p>confused23: 7CST has NOT passed yet. its 6:11ish in CST</p>

<p>7 CST, has not passed.</p>

<p>if it is seven northwestern time then we still have at least a little under an hour</p>

<p>so much for "official" posting time</p>

<p>I called and spoke to the woman. She said between 6 or 7 pm central time. So that's 7 to 8 pm eastern time.</p>

<p>Haha, are these the same admissions officers who said they would be out at 6-7 CST yesterday?</p>

<p>This is me taking their word with a grain of salt.</p>

<p>yes but they could be a. misinformed or b. having problems loading the system or c. it takes this long to update it , longer than they thought</p>

<p>so now it's 7:00 CST? what happened to 6:00 CST?</p>

<p>She said there were techincal difficulties, and "the decisions should be up by 6 or 7". And I would imagine that is CST, unless she had the unbelievable prescience to know I was calling from New Jersey.</p>


<p>They'd better be working overtime.</p>

<p>Wonder if all the Northwestern people are just reading this board, and laughing to themselves....</p>

<p>i thought everyone was saying 6? ***. people need to stop spreading rumors that make me glued to my computer! i have things to calculus!</p>

<p>i think the republicans must be behind this.</p>

<p>as a person who works a lot with servers, it shouldn't be b or c because they would have loaded things onto the server as soon as decisions were finished. They just would not show the changes to us.</p>

<p>ur prolly rite i know jack about servers, more likely a republican conspiracy theory</p>

<p>Welp, I think I'll go catch some "That 70's show"</p>

<p>probably. darn those republicans!</p>

<p>so i only discovered this website 2 days ago. is it addicting?</p>



<p>rofl .</p>

<p>Time to go out for hibachi. Screw this.</p>