Official Princeton University SCEA Class of 2017 Thread!

<p>Dang. I have will be taking an exam at 4 EST.
Well…it isn’t too late to get my first B right? Haha</p>

<p>I’ll also be checking alone. Don’t need anyone hovering over me.</p>

<p>I wish I could check it alone, but decisions are released at 2:00 here. That means I’ll be in AP Comparative Government. I’m in a small dilemma atm. I’m sure my teacher would let me use my phone to see if I am admitted, but if I did then I would have to announce it to the whole class. I really don’t want to wait any longer than necessary, and if I don’t check my status in CompGov then I probably can’t check until 4:30 or so… I really want to know ASAP, but I am only going to tell other people if I have good news.</p>

<p>Ask to use the restroom perhaps? Then you can check by yourself without the obligation to tell anyone your result.</p>

<p>Good idea, but unfortunately my school is built like a Faraday cage and my phone is on Sprint’s network, so the bathrooms won’t get any reception. They have staff patrolling the halls, and cell phones are disallowed during school hours. I would literally have to stand by the window in my class to get service, and my teacher is just about the only one who would allow exceptions to cell phone policy.</p>

<p>Are white lies morally permissible, and under what circumstances may you make them? Perhaps I will tell the class my grandma is sick and I’m supposed to… check her Facebook status? I’m really not good at lying. :(</p>

<p>Lol, it seems like you’re in a rough situation. honestly, don’t lie to your entire class. it’s going to be obvious that you lied when people find out about your princeton decisions. honestly, i know we’re all dying to get the results, but you should probably just wait till class ends.</p>

<p>If you lie and say you’re checking your grandma’s Facebook status, then start jumping up and down and cheering… what will people think? lol</p>

<p>I think it’s better to wait an extra two hours than have to possibly announce to the whole class that you got rejected. OR you could just not go to school.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for the advice. I think that I found a solution: I will go the the school library until they post decisions and then get a pass to 6th hour, which will get me off the hook with the teacher and I can find out in private.</p>

<p>I do have a couple questions for anyone: Is there any advantage to living in a rural state/being a “religious minority”? I am a white male from a rural western state who also happens to be Mormon. Will that affect anything? I mentioned it in one of my application essays and the common app section asking about religious affiliation. </p>

<p>Also, if there are any psychologists among the SCEA applicants, is it normal that I don’t want anyone to know where I am applying? Whenever anybody asks where I want to go to college, I usually say “I don’t know” or BYU, which is my safety. I hate it when I have to respond “Princeton” because then they say “how nice” and “I bet you’ll get in”. And then they have such big expectations and they always ask if I got in or not! I think that people don’t realize that this process is much more like an erudite lottery than a job application. And then, when I get rejected or deferred, all those people will just probe the wounds. Is there anybody else that feels the same way?</p>

<p>Anonymous: Although I’m not going to college for psych, I did take the class last year. I don’t see anything wrong with it, I’m sort of the same way. If someone asks where I’m going, I’ll tell them some of my middle-of-the-road schools but I don’t really say my top schools. I guess it’s different from person to person but there’s no problem with it! Haha</p>

<p>I am the same way. I think we are just afraid that people will judge us for wanting to go to/ thinking we are good enought to go to such a prestigious school. Plus, if people ask if I get in and I have to say no, then it will make me feel worse. Better to keep it a secret!</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat as you, Anonymous. When people ask me where I applied, I do tell them I applied early to Princeton, much to my own chagrin at times. But, whenever people ask me about what other schools I apply to, I kind of just throw out a few of the state schools and maybe one Ivy. Everyone has the idea of me as one of the really smart kids, and not that I care too much of what others think of me, but they instantly expect me to go to an absolutely amazing school.</p>

<p>^that’s what I always did until my ap comp teacher announced to the whole class that I’m applying to princeton…</p>

<p>@Nat that stinks so much. I am sure your teacher had good intentions, but now everyone will be listening to know whether or not you get in</p>

<p>Hey guys this is my first time posting ever, but I really need someone to calm me down or say something to me since we are all going through the same thing. I can’t stop thinking about Tuesday and it is distracting me from my studies. I keep on thinking about how easy it is to get rejected, but on the other hand I think about my strengths and that they should have no problem accepting me. Anyone else feel like this? How have you guys been handling this? I just want to wish everyone good luck and that no matter where you end up you will be happy. Thanks everyone.</p>

<p>I feel the same, Ivyinspired. I sometimes think of how I look compare to other applicants, and think I am a unique applicant and have a strong chance of getting in. However, other times, I keep thinking, ‘It’s Princeton, why would they want me?’</p>

<p>I have just been focusing on other applications, honestly. At this point I am kind of expecting rejection and letting myself think that. I am also focusing on my finals which start on Wednesday, and just trying to calm down and not think about what is to come. And remembering that I will end up where I am supposed to!</p>

<p>Just try to delve into whatever you are doing. Listen to some music. Take a nap…haha i dont know. I have been having the same problem for the past two days. I am glad we have school tomorrow to distract us</p>

<p>Does anyone else kind of hate themselves and feel almost absurd for applying early to Princeton? At this point, my self-confidence and ‘I’m not getting in’ attitude are making me feel stupid for thinking I would even have a shot.</p>

<p>^ “It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try…” (Mike Dennison)</p>

<p>^^ I was actually going through the same dilemma before I applied to Princeton. I could have applied ED to a school that I probably would get into (per my GC and acceptance results from the current year), but I chose Princeton because if I went to the other school early, I would always think of what could have been. </p>

<p>I am not really looking back now. Just looking forward to Tuesday at 4.</p>

Frankly, I wish I had a little bit more pessimism right now. You have to realize that, by the time decisions are out and we are all accepted/deferred/rejected, it isn’t so much a competition between us as a luck of the draw. Of course you have a shot! Your SAT of 2250 is great (or at least a lot better than mine :slight_smile: ) and I’m sure that between your essays and EC’s you have as much a shot as anybody. I wish I could be a little more fatalistic about everything, because I tend to over-think things. A lot. And I am inherently optimistic, too. I think that everyone is worried, but do remember that there have been lots of people with resumes worse than yours that have gotten in. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I wish you luck with your app! 44 hours left to go…</p>


<p>Thank you so much for your encouragement! That was definitely something that I needed right now. I appreciate it more than anything :slight_smile: I think, honestly, it’s good to be optimistic, hope definitely keeps people going! Good luck to you as well, crossing my fingers for all of us!</p>

<p>Hopefully the next two days go by quickly.</p>