<p>I know right? It’ll probably happen though whether it’s good or bad news. I’ll warn him in advance… =)</p>
<p>Okay, I’m in a sticky situation. The result comes out at 2.30 AM for me. And I’ll have a full course (15-chapter) Physics exam exactly 6 hours after that. What should I do? here are the cases I can think of - </p>
<p>1) I check my result at 2.30AM, things go as planned. I won’t be able to concentrate on my paper. Plus I dont get much sleep, so maybe a headache.</p>
<p>2) I check my result at 2.30AM, things dont go as planned. I won’t be able to concentrate much on my paper. Plus, no sleep again.</p>
<p>3) I wake up at usual time 6AM and check my result. Won’t have time to absord the news. Won’t be able to concentrate on my paper at all. But I catch some sleep.</p>
<p>4) I wait until after the exam. I take my exam without knowing the result, and won’t be able to concentrate because I know the results out.</p>
<p>What to do?</p>
<p>any idea how the US colleges convert A’Levels IGCSE (British System) or how are these grades evaluated?</p>
<p>Hey guys… I’ve been lurking around here for a while, and I’m applying REA to Princeton, but I’m still not sure being myself (a WASP) hurts/helps me. Anyone care to explain or answer?</p>
<p>Hey! I’m in the same situation as you. </p>
<p>I have a bunch of exams coming up, but don’t let the decision stress you out!</p>
<p>I’d suggest to check it after your exam, that way, accepted or not, it won’t affect your test preparation. And when you take the test just focus on the physics. </p>
<p>Sent from my Nexus 7 using CC</p>
<p>At least ur not Asian like me lol</p>
<p>at this time tomorrow i’m not going to be able to focus on anything…about 25 more hours guys!</p>
<p>With about 24 hours to go, this will be the last time that I will check CC until decisions come out - for my peace of mind and to soothe my nerves. Having that said, I want to wish everyone here Good Luck. I wish the best for all of you, and hopefully we will hear some great news tomorrow. BEST OF LUCK! BUONA FORTUNA! BUENA SUERTE!</p>
<p>I actually can’t handle this. Today at lunch this girl I don’t really know gave me a long creepy slow smile and said, “27 and a half hours.” and I just stared at her and my eyes widened like in a horror movie. CC guys, Princeton admissions are making me bat***** crayyy.</p>
<p>Under 24 hours people!</p>
<p>I keep having mini panic attacks worrying about results. I cannot wait for tomorrow, no matter what my result, at least I will stop freaking out</p>
<p>Its 3AM and I still have a lot to do for my physics exam. </p>
<p>@daisysmiles - I read your post, then your name. Couldnt help but smile
But yeah, thats happening to everyone, I guess.</p>
<p>hey morethanluck? can we (or anyone else) talk about the decision thread? everytime I read someone else’s decision thread, about 1/4 of the people’s posts are ugly looking with squares and stuff. why does that happen?
for some reason my mind would rather obsess over posting a neat-looking decision than think about finding out the actual decision.</p>
<p>@baddriver - with squares and stuff, as in?</p>
<p>baddriver that happens because people mess with the coding. I actually need to repost the template because the way that it looks right now is the way it is supposed to when you post. I actually stole the template from Harvard and can’t figure out how to put it onto our thread without the code working so that people can copy it properly. I am working on it, though. It should work tomorrow, though</p>
<p>Okay…for the life of me I cannot ge the code to post without formatting so that people can post results properly. If anyone knows how to do this, please feel free to post the format onto the results thread so that everyone can use it. Sorry 'bout that</p>
<p>Does putting a space in the coding somewhere work? I think I read that somewhere.</p>
<p>I posted the correct way.</p>
<p>^ Awesome! Now all we need are some results! haha</p>
<p>About 22 hours to go.</p>
<p>It’s midnight where I live and I’m not even close to feeling sleepy. I’m afraid my adrenaline is going to keep me up all night. I’m going to try to do something productive (AKA study for my Calc exam) but I’m at the point where doing productive things is… unproductive. I’ve been watching The Lizzie Bennet Diaries on YouTube to pass the time. Anyone watch that? Because it’s hilarious, and surprisingly well-written/acted.</p>