Official Princeton University SCEA Class of 2017 Thread!

<p>I’ve never posted in this thread before, but I have been following it and it has been a great source of comfort to me in the past couple weeks. Good luck everyone! You all seem like truly wonderful and interesting people, and it would be amazing to be part of the Princeton class of 2017 together. Here’s hoping for good news at 4:00!</p>



<p>[Princeton</a> University - Princeton offers early action admission to 697 students for Class of 2017](<a href=“]Princeton”></p>

<p>42 states… I’m from Alaska ***</p>

<p>I know what you mean Desafinado. Being from Mississippi, that is making me sweat…</p>

<p>Being an international student, I’m kind of super nervous - only 63 people from all over the world. Roughly 2 people per country.</p>

<p>If they already know, they should just tell us now :(</p>

actually 27 countries only.</p>

<p>Oh my god I’m so nervous. Four can’t come fast enough…</p>

<p>Decisions come out at 11am where I live (it’s 9:50 am right now). I don’t have school today either, so I’ve been trying to sleep till 10am so I can just wake up and see the decision and not sit agonizingly at my desk…but no dice, the nerves kept me up all morning.</p>

<p>For me, the results are released a 6 am.
I tried to sleep, but at 3 am I woke up from a nightmare in which I was deferred from Princeton and now I’m just nervously waiting while surfing the internet…:(</p>

<p>Hey folks, just want to say good luck to everyone. And 697 out of 3810 is around 18 percent, not bad eh? Let’s just hope we’re all good enough to make one in five odds. See y’all on the other side</p>

<p>Can’t wait until 4! For everybody on here, I wish you all the best and hope that even though we can’t all get into Princeton, we each end up somewhere we’re happy and that at least a few of us DO get accepted (after all, the people here on CC are probably above average in determination). Good luck everyone! 1 hour and 2 minutes left!</p>

<p>@lostinivyleague - Thats statistically worse. Assuming people from more than 27 countries applied.</p>

<p>One hour to go. I am legitimately nervous now, even though I know I really can’t do anything to change the decision.</p>

<p>I have not posted anything until today but I feel if I ever post, today would be the most appropriate. May the odds be in your favor.</p>

<p>Good Luck to all! I remember the excitement and stress that filled our home two years ago when admission results were released!</p>

<p>I’m dying…26 minutes!!!</p>

<p>1000 seconds to go…</p>

<p>Never been this nervous before in my entire life!
Good luck everyone!!!</p>

<p>ugh i am literally dead. I’m just trying to mentally prepare myself for rejection. It’s not going so well. :confused: FIFTEEN MINUTES!</p>