***Official Purdue Class of 2019 EA Applicant Thread***

<p>@jjSr2k‌ I have the same status and sent an email weeks ago, They responded that i was all set. Seems like system isnt very informative. Good luck!!</p>

<p>@st2015 Thanks.</p>

<p>Ahhh! I have not been able to concentrate all day! Roughly 2 hours to go! Good luck! </p>

<p>@ThatOnePastry‌ Off topic, but I adore your username :)</p>

<p>I can’t say I’m not a huge fan of yours, @mixedberrysaurus‌. If we’re talkin’ fruit snacks, those mixed berry ones are where it’s at! Also, did you apply? :D</p>

<p>@ThatOnePastry Yep! Super nervous D: ugh i need some fruit snacks right now</p>

<p>Can’t wait</p>

<p>@mixedberrysaurus‌ so right now I’m imagining a T-Rex attempting to open a pouch of fruit snacks and then trying to pick one up. It’s quite an entertaining thought…</p>

<p>An hour and a half to go! Which program did you apply to?</p>

<p>@ThatOnePastry‌ That’s me! Also, in response to your other comment, first year engineering.</p>

<p>1 hour to go! I’m hoping for CS.</p>

<p>Engineering FTW!</p>

<p>@beck3570‌ same here dude good luck</p>

<p>Great choices everyone! I am looking to major in Biochemistry! :smiley: Less than an hour to go!</p>

<p>are we supposed to get an email with a link to our decision? or is it just going to show up on the application summary page?</p>

<p>@rk960925‌, I believe it will be on the application page.</p>

<p>Best of luck to all! Gotta go for now.</p>

<p>40 more minutes right?
Good look to everybody </p>

<p>Should we do a every 5-min countdown? 35 mins left!</p>

<p>25 minutes to go</p>