***Official Purdue Class of 2019 EA Applicant Thread***

<p>Will the decision letter be sent by email too?</p>

<p>Good luck to the class of 2019!! Tomorrow’s a big day!</p>

<p>I logged in and it shows me the application (fall 2015) and that it was submitted and if i click on it is gives me the application summary. is that there it would say the decision? It just just “Processed Applications” and under it says “Fall 2015” </p>

<p>Tomorrow at 5PM EDT is the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Post your stats and admission decision, good luck! </p>

<p>I applied as a Comp Sci Major, 3.6 W, OOS from California, 1830 SAT…probably getting rejected but guess we’ll see tomorrow :confused: Good luck to everyone else who applied!</p>

<p>I applied as a Comp Sci Major, 3.6 W, OOS from California, 1830 SAT…probably getting rejected but guess we’ll see tomorrow :/</p>

<p>How are notified of our decision? Email?</p>

<p>Nevermind, just received an email saying it is viewable through the online application status</p>

<p>Yes me too…It said I’ll definitely receive my decision tomorrow…here it would be 3:30 in the morning…<em>fingers crossed</em> </p>

<p>About 17 more hours! Good luck to everyone. Where ever you guy go, you’ll do great things :slight_smile: </p>

<p>On a more soothing note, anyone saw the Purdue xmas tree they got this year? Outright amazing. </p>

<p>good luck you guys!!! I get my decision too ;)) </p>

You already got your decision? How? Or do you mean you will be getting yours?</p>

<p>what are your guys’ stats? I’m applying to nuclear engineering. Can we double major?</p>

<p>Decisions will be start releasing on dec. 12th 5pm Eastern time.
I think most EA applicants already got an email saying this.</p>

<p>Yes I also got an email from International Students and Scholar Service saying that I will get my descision on 12. I think not every one has received this email. One of my friend has not got this email. So I hope this is a positive sign. </p>

<p>I applied rolling but got the same email the EA applicants got, so can I too, realistically expect a decision today?</p>

Are you sure? I thought everyone is applying to “Engineering First Year”, and you don’t choose engineering majors till end of freshman year. What we entered on common app was “Area of Interest”.
And yeah I think double majors are allowed, provided that you’re doing well academically.
<a href=“School of Engineering Education - School of Engineering Education - Purdue University”>School of Engineering Education - School of Engineering Education - Purdue University;

<p>Anyways, here are my stats: for Engineering (Area of Interest Chemical Engineering)
International (Canadian) Asian Male, U.S. educated<br>
Nationally renowned high school, California (Thus OOS)
3.85 UW/4.2W (A in Chem H and AP Chem)
SAT 2150
Math II: 750 Chemistry:800 World History: 780
All AP classes senior year.
EC: Few hundred hours of volunteer work, president of History Club, Science teaching assistant for 3 years. Award at a minor science competition.
Great recommendation, but my school MAY have sent the wrong one (don’t judge they tried)
Did not ask for financial aid (not that they’ll give me any…)</p>

<p>Someone chance me please? Even though I might hear back from Purdue first :p</p>

I wouldn’t say expect, but there’s a good chance you might get a decision. </p>

<p>holy… @NorthernKev‌ we have almost identical stats o.o</p>

<p>3.8 uw/ 4.3 weighted</p>

<p>SAT: 2150</p>

<p>Math 2: 740, Chem: 750, Phys: 740, USH: 670</p>

<p>All AP classes + multivar and physics at local community college</p>

<p>200 volunteer hours from city of sunnyvale. VP of UNICEF and French club (diff years). Secretary of UNICEF and french (diff years), and Speech and Debate captain.</p>