<p>Hey, who else is applying to the college of Human Ecology, RD?</p>
<p>Their acceptance rate is pretty high compared to the other colleges but for some reason not a lot of ED CCers got in!</p>
<p>Hey, who else is applying to the college of Human Ecology, RD?</p>
<p>Their acceptance rate is pretty high compared to the other colleges but for some reason not a lot of ED CCers got in!</p>
<p>im applying RD to fashion. My girlfriend got in ED too for fashion</p>
<p>Well, I guess you can technically say I applied RD… I got deferred ED for the Human Bio Health and Society major.
They seem to not have taken many in-state applicants this year.
They did, however, take a decent amount of out-of-staters.</p>
<p>RD, PAM, In-state. I guess I should be worried.</p>
<p>Chandler Bing hahah I love your username Yeah, I saw the same trend! Don’t give up on being deferred
You have an advantage over the RD round people cause you have shown tons of interest :)</p>
<p>Thankfully Im out of state… Well out of country haha (Us citizen in the Middle East…) I’m also planning on applying for Human Bio Health and Society! Wanna go on to Med school… :D</p>
<p>Banana fish, I heard that they only took a whole bunch of out of state people in ED to ensure funds so hopefully you wont be disadvantaged the RD round cause they’ll have people from ED ensured already Good luck!</p>
<p>Yeah that’s what I’ve heard Kleiner. Haha thanks, I love that show!</p>
<p>HumEc did take a bunch of out-of-staters, so maybe I might get in RD. You never really know with these Ivies though.</p>
<p>I love the HBHS major… gahh… I’m planning on med school too.</p>
<p>I’m HBHS too-out of state. And yeah, I want to go to med, dental, or optometry school. HBHS is PERFECT. It sucks, though, all the competitive (and some not-so-competitive) kid from my school is applying to Cornell, but fortunately they’re all doing Engineering and Arts and Sciences. This won’t affect me, will it?</p>
<p>Oh, hey colinization. You told me to tell you my decision: deferred, haha.
I hope I can get in RD… I LOVE HBHS.</p>
<p>Do they compare HumanEc applicants with each other or make decisions based on your major?</p>
<p>I am applying to PAM from NY.</p>
<p>Pretty sure your competition is based on others applying to your major, not to the whole of HumEc</p>
<p>I really don’t know.
I just hope I get in after being deferred.</p>