<p>You have been admitted to the University of Maryland for the Fall 2009 semester!</p>
<p>We are pleased to welcome you to our world-class research university. Your exceptional talents and achievements will enhance our academic community of scholars and leaders. You should be proud to call yourself a Terp!</p>
<p>Please find your Academic Major and Residency Classification below. </p>
Maryland Residency: NON-RESIDENT
University ID Number (U<em>ID): </em>_________</p>
<p>You are going into UMDCP, no specialty school or program. So you will be a marketing major still, just for simplistic terms as a regular student.</p>
<p>abc…realize about 25K+ are trying to get on and so it acts up. LY when we 1st went on it said accepted, and then for a while it said no decision yet and then it went back again to accepted.</p>
<p>Yep…you will meet with an adviser at orientation and walk through your college career.</p>
<p>Orientation and move in for UMD non-specialty programs are run at different times, so don’t worry if you hear that somebody is going to orientation at a different time or moving in on a different date, it has no effect on you.</p>
<p>i had a 1300 flat. that might be the reason…whatever, i’ll move on. i’m from jersey so that may have also played a factor. i’ll go to rutgers then. good luck laxer04. and thanks for the info.</p>
<p>Actually I have read also, that SMith req. 1300. I think it is the only one of the schools that requires a min. for acceptance. Smith is very prestigious, and even when you are in they can kick you out. You must take specific course and no repeat or lower than a C.<br>
That comes directly from the Smith site.
People at UMDCP will tell you ECON is a killer.</p>
<p>ok first of all, the 1300 minimum is from 2 different sources. I had a personal meeting with the the undergrad dean at smith in october. she told me there is a 1300 minimum. second, it is in business week. [University</a> of Maryland: Undergraduate Profile – BusinessWeek](<a href=“Bloomberg Businessweek - Bloomberg”>Bloomberg Businessweek - Bloomberg)
Minimum requirements for business program:</p>
<p>Minimum SAT score: 1300
Minimum ACT: 29
Minimum high school GPA : 3.2</p>
<p>I was accepted as well. Yay.
If I listed gov’t and politics as my prospective major on my app, should that show up on the admissions decision page?</p>
<p>Edit: Nvm. The page must have just updated. It has my major and residency info on it now. Best of luck to all.</p>