<p>I will be attending Rice in the Fall of 2009. I created this thread for us to discuss general issues - housing, social life, food, academics, sports...whatever is on your mind.</p>
<p>bump. 10 char.</p>
<p>you might get more action on facebook… I’m assuming someone has started a facebook 2013 account, and you could try searching for that. :)</p>
<p>Yeah, once you actually decide to come to Rice, the Rice 2013 Facebook group is much more helpful than CC.</p>
<p>Yesterday (?) my son got an email about a Rice message board for admitted students. That’s probably a good place for Gtr to discuss these issues.</p>
<p>cpq, please include the link to the Rice message board.</p>
<p>[Rice</a> Message Boards :: Log in](<a href=“http://ricechat.gotoextinguisher.com/bb/login.php]Rice”>http://ricechat.gotoextinguisher.com/bb/login.php)</p>
<p>You need a provided username and password though</p>
<p>Is there a Rice 2013 facebook group?</p>
<p>yes there is…</p>
<p>[Facebook</a> Group](<a href=“http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=40504007841&ref=ts]Facebook”>http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=40504007841&ref=ts)</p>
<p>OMG, I unintentionally payed my deposit at 04/16 16:04. This is very bad luck in China, because of all of the fours(4, 4^2), but I still think it’s ku. Plus, two of my rice essays (the longer ones) were both 444 words long, and they got me in
:D. I don’t know why I’m sharing this.</p>
<p>hey man… it worked! :)</p>
<p>I’m 95% sure I’m going!!</p>
<p>Who’s paying full tuition and happy about it?</p>
<p>I will be! Rice is one of the “best value” colleges, considering that it is about $5,000-10,000 less expensive than the other top institutions!</p>
<p>We’ve been paying full tuition for four years now and felt it was an excellent choice.</p>
<p>Really now… I’m leaning towards UCB with only 27$/year. The financial aid lady at Rice told me that $43K/year at Rice was not worth it…</p>
<p>I’m coming!!!</p>
<p>Modulation - does that mean your parents decided to support your choice?</p>
<p>he posted that before, he started his other thread, so no.</p>