<p>anyone get anything about merit scholarships? Congrats to everyone who got in!</p>
<p>i know i didn’t… but i did get need based :D</p>
<p>Question. I clicked accept and filled out the questionnaire, but when I hit submit it led me to the rice website. Then I logged in again and it still wanted me to accept and fill out that form again… Has this happened to anyone else?</p>
<p>Pano just fill it out again, i had to click on the enrollment/housing deposit button a few times because it kept taking me to a blank page. Some of the other links do it as well. Should we pay now or can we wait until the admission comes in the mail? I’m guessing we can fill something out then?</p>
<p>Yeah, that has happened to me everytime that I’ve done it. Where is the link to pay for the deposit?</p>
<p>Link to pay ( actually two buttons, one for enroll+house, one for enroll) pops up after the survey is finished. You then choose between check, ccard, or mail.</p>
<p>Weird…mine just takes me to the Rice Financial Page.</p>
<p>Looks like they still have not fixed that whacky admission system. Luckily everything else at Rice runs smoothly like butter. Really! :)</p>
<p>I dont want to be the one to do it but out of curiousity, has anyone made a facebook group. Or does anyone know of one for us?</p>
<p>There is one…just search Rice 2013 in the box</p>
<p>Did anyone realize that the class of 2013 will be Rice’s 100th Commencement Class. The year that we graduate will be the same year the Rice celebrates having been an institution for 100 years. Isnt that AWESOME!!!</p>
<p>I figure because of this. The calendar for the 2010 Spring will be the year that we as freshman have left for the summer. That commencement is the 97th
When we leave for summer as sophomores 98th. Juniors 99th. Seniors (graduation) 100!!!</p>
<p>[Academic</a> Calendar Spring 2010 | Office of the Registrar | Rice University](<a href=“http://registrar.rice.edu/WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID=2108]Academic”>http://registrar.rice.edu/WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID=2108)</p>
<p>Pyles I realized that this morning. We will have a rockin commencement speaker!</p>
<p>Ok so i just payed my enrollment and housing deposit and it was processed, but on the webcheck page it is still asking me to pay. But my payment was still processed… Is this ok?</p>
<p>I got the same thing. I’m a little confused.</p>
<p>Maybe it takes a while to update the actual rice system. Im not going to do it again though, I dont want to pay 800 dollars</p>
<p>Rice has just introduced a new online pay system for the university related charges etc, but your deposit may be going through the old system (which did NOT show payments made until it was all processed several days later.) I suggest you wait until Monday or Tuesday and see if it has been updated to show the payment. They won’t take your acceptance away if you wait a few days to pay ;)</p>
<p>Yea my Application Status says: Deposit Received</p>