<p>Here are the answers I have compiled, if the answers were being debated and didn't have a victor, I chose my answer :)</p>
<p>[tab][bold]December 4, 2004[/bold][/tab]</p>
<p>1) 0 < a < b < 6 < d < e
Answer: 9
2) triangle and square with = perimeter
Answer: 9
3) c, d, e, f ...cde>def>efc>fcd <---Means of each set
Answer: e > d > c > f
4) How many numbers contain 3 digits that have just odd numbers
Answer: 125
5) Point closest to X-Axis
Answer: (-3,2)
6) Circumference and Square Problem
Answer: Area of Circumference Greater
7) Circle with 6 inch diameter
Answer: 7 lines
8) How long the tunnel is? The train is 200 meters going 20 m/s and takes 1 minute + 10 seconds.
Answer: 1200 meters
9) Sequence: 5, 9, 1, 2, 2, 3. Find 620th term
Answer: 9
10) j/(j+1) and (k)/(k-1)
Answer: B is greater
11) Triangle possibility
Answer: 7, 8, 9
12) Sum from -11 to 10
Answer: -11
13) Pencils
Answer: I, II, III
14) x^2 = 9
Answer: 50
15) Microsope Question, each student gets microscope, either 6 left or 6 needed
Answer: 18 students
16) Square inside Rectangle
Answer: 8 by 14
17) (2x+3x) > (2x)(3x)
Answer: 1/2
18) If "n" was a prime number and you add "n + 2" so that number is a prime number, then what set (answer) would make this statement false
Answer: 61, 63
19) What in the world was that question about the Econobooks selling n travel books last year? How do you solve this to get how many n cookbooks they sold last year?
Answer: 23n/17
20) 3/8 of a number and 7/8 of the 3/8 of a number
Answer: 5/64
21) Cone and Cylinder
Answer: C - Equal
22) Community Bank? and West Village
Answer: B - West Village Bigger
23) a+B+c+d+x average = 120, but average of a+b+c+D = 80, so what is x..
Answer: 280
24) 50 percent of 10 percent of 100
Answer: 5
25) In an isoceles triangle where two equal angles are 30, what's the other?
Answer: 120
26) Slope Problem - Grid In
Answer: 8
27) Mean/Median with 0, 5, 10
Answer: 0, 5, and 10 (all three)</p>
<p>[bold]Sentence Completions[/bold]</p>
<p>1) The drug is __<strong><em>, although it kills the cancer it also harms healthy cells.
Answer: deleterious
2) _</em></strong> was regarded as a firm will and his __________ noisy defiance against all sensible rules
Answer: intractible/obstreperous
3) From the top of the canyon I had a _______ view of the surrounding area.
Answer: panaramic
4) He always spoke with a ________ tone, which could make the most _________ conversation seem illicit.
Answer: conspiritorial/innocous</p>
<p>1) depreciate:value :: demotion:position
2) LINK:CHAIN :: stanza : poem
3) imbue:color :: saturate:liquid
4) admonish:reproof :: honor:accolade
6) Portal:Building :: Mouth:Harbor
7) Curmudgeon:Grouch :: Bungler:Inept
8) Wolf:Pack :: Tuna:School
9) Incorrigible:Reform :: Unflappable:Fluster
10) Charisma: Devotion :: Affection: passion <--- experimental
11) elegy:sorrow :: tirade:anger <----- experimental
12) rain:downpour :: typhoon: wind
13) astounded:surprise :: terrified:afraid
14) implore:ask and :: inquire:question
15) Lung:respiration :: Stomach:digestion
16) Ring:finger :: bracelet:wrist
17) Diagram:explain :: model:represent
18) referendum:voter :: contest:judge <----- experimental
19) levitate:gravity :: sink:buoyancy <---- experimental
20) foundation:support :: roof:protection
21) actor:cast :: club:member</p>
<p>[bold]Critical Reading[/bold]</p>
<p>1) "beam of light represent" in the AI passage
Answer: The Conception of the Human Mind
2) What does spirit mean?
Answer: Prevailing Tendency
3) A Fair Adavntage
Answer: Radical Principle
4) The one about paradox?
Answer: Her behavior cannot be evaluated by absolute moral
5) Humans will be out of work
Answer: Robots will supplant humans
6) What does mathematics mean?
Answer: Pure Logic
7) Greeks
Answer: Outdated by today's standards</p>
<p>[bold] Note: These are not the official answers, they may be wrong. [/bold]
[bold] If you have anymore question that you remember, please post the QUESTION w/ ANSWER[/bold]
[bold] If something is wrong, please correct me. [/bold]</p>
Mike Pham</p>