Official SAT I Answer Thread - 12/4 - U.S. Version

<p>Here are the answers I have compiled, if the answers were being debated and didn't have a victor, I chose my answer :)</p>

<p>[tab][bold]December 4, 2004[/bold][/tab]</p>


<p>1) 0 < a < b < 6 < d < e
Answer: 9
2) triangle and square with = perimeter
Answer: 9
3) c, d, e, f ...cde>def>efc>fcd <---Means of each set
Answer: e > d > c > f
4) How many numbers contain 3 digits that have just odd numbers
Answer: 125
5) Point closest to X-Axis
Answer: (-3,2)
6) Circumference and Square Problem
Answer: Area of Circumference Greater
7) Circle with 6 inch diameter
Answer: 7 lines
8) How long the tunnel is? The train is 200 meters going 20 m/s and takes 1 minute + 10 seconds.
Answer: 1200 meters
9) Sequence: 5, 9, 1, 2, 2, 3. Find 620th term
Answer: 9
10) j/(j+1) and (k)/(k-1)
Answer: B is greater
11) Triangle possibility
Answer: 7, 8, 9
12) Sum from -11 to 10
Answer: -11
13) Pencils
Answer: I, II, III
14) x^2 = 9
Answer: 50
15) Microsope Question, each student gets microscope, either 6 left or 6 needed
Answer: 18 students
16) Square inside Rectangle
Answer: 8 by 14
17) (2x+3x) > (2x)(3x)
Answer: 1/2
18) If "n" was a prime number and you add "n + 2" so that number is a prime number, then what set (answer) would make this statement false
Answer: 61, 63
19) What in the world was that question about the Econobooks selling n travel books last year? How do you solve this to get how many n cookbooks they sold last year?
Answer: 23n/17
20) 3/8 of a number and 7/8 of the 3/8 of a number
Answer: 5/64
21) Cone and Cylinder
Answer: C - Equal
22) Community Bank? and West Village
Answer: B - West Village Bigger
23) a+B+c+d+x average = 120, but average of a+b+c+D = 80, so what is x..
Answer: 280
24) 50 percent of 10 percent of 100
Answer: 5
25) In an isoceles triangle where two equal angles are 30, what's the other?
Answer: 120
26) Slope Problem - Grid In
Answer: 8
27) Mean/Median with 0, 5, 10
Answer: 0, 5, and 10 (all three)</p>


<p>[bold]Sentence Completions[/bold]</p>

<p>1) The drug is __<strong><em>, although it kills the cancer it also harms healthy cells.
Answer: deleterious
2) _</em></strong>
was regarded as a firm will and his __________ noisy defiance against all sensible rules
Answer: intractible/obstreperous
3) From the top of the canyon I had a _______ view of the surrounding area.
Answer: panaramic
4) He always spoke with a ________ tone, which could make the most _________ conversation seem illicit.
Answer: conspiritorial/innocous</p>


<p>1) depreciate:value :: demotion:position
2) LINK:CHAIN :: stanza : poem
3) imbue:color :: saturate:liquid
4) admonish:reproof :: honor:accolade
6) Portal:Building :: Mouth:Harbor
7) Curmudgeon:Grouch :: Bungler:Inept
8) Wolf:Pack :: Tuna:School
9) Incorrigible:Reform :: Unflappable:Fluster
10) Charisma: Devotion :: Affection: passion <--- experimental
11) elegy:sorrow :: tirade:anger <----- experimental
12) rain:downpour :: typhoon: wind
13) astounded:surprise :: terrified:afraid
14) implore:ask and :: inquire:question
15) Lung:respiration :: Stomach:digestion
16) Ring:finger :: bracelet:wrist
17) Diagram:explain :: model:represent
18) referendum:voter :: contest:judge <----- experimental
19) levitate:gravity :: sink:buoyancy <---- experimental
20) foundation:support :: roof:protection
21) actor:cast :: club:member</p>

<p>[bold]Critical Reading[/bold]</p>

<p>1) "beam of light represent" in the AI passage
Answer: The Conception of the Human Mind
2) What does spirit mean?
Answer: Prevailing Tendency
3) A Fair Adavntage
Answer: Radical Principle
4) The one about paradox?
Answer: Her behavior cannot be evaluated by absolute moral
5) Humans will be out of work
Answer: Robots will supplant humans
6) What does mathematics mean?
Answer: Pure Logic
7) Greeks
Answer: Outdated by today's standards</p>

<p>[bold] Note: These are not the official answers, they may be wrong. [/bold]
[bold] If you have anymore question that you remember, please post the QUESTION w/ ANSWER[/bold]
[bold] If something is wrong, please correct me. [/bold]</p>

Mike Pham</p>

<p>uhhh....HOW did you remember all those</p>

<p>Hmmm.... VB scripting doesn't work? Was I suppose to use < and >
<bold> Test </bold>

<p>Anyways reviewing these answers, I missed 2 grid-ins and left 1 blank for Math.
I hope 760 or 780?</p>

<p>Verbal - I hope 680?</p>

<p>lol.... I'm no pyschic, I went through all 1200+ threads on the SAT I thing and took all the question/answers I found.</p>

<p>hehe I figured out what I did wrong for VB

<p>im hoping for 780 math, and just anywhere 650 or above for verbal</p>

<p>im pretty sure the answer to "14) implore:ask and :: inquire:question" was plead:request...</p>

<p>I don't agree with </p>

<p>14) implore:ask and :: inquire:question I'd say (pled : request)</p>

<p>and (CR) </p>

<p>3) A Fair Adavntage
Answer: Radical Principle (something about a misguided notion)</p>

<p>I'm not sure what the consensus was in the big thread.</p>

<p>Fair Advantage, anyone else disagree about the answer as radical principle? (This is what I put)</p>

<p>I'm positive implore:ask is inquire:question
Implore means to ask
Inquire means to question
Plead means to request (I didn't choose this one because of the intensity of plead to request)</p>

<p>i put misguided idea</p>

<p>yeah I second the Misguided notion</p>

<p>question...the 23n/17...was that E or D. I can't remember, but I know I put down 23 something...was it E?</p>

<p>61, 63</p>

<p>I still think it's 41, 43 because BOTH are prime</p>

<p>how about the one with that addition
= NTN</p>

<p>it was a quantative comparison, and i got it wrong on last year's test, hopefully i learned from my silly mistake. It asked P+R+2Q and 20 was the other part.</p>

it said something about the first number being prime..and the second to next odd number is prime too.. it then went on to ask which of these pairs made this statement not correct. 61 (prime)...63 (divisible)</p>

<p>I said 20 was greater:</p>




<p>4+3+2(1) = 9 <20</p>

<p>tongos, i just put D...I wasn't quite sure..and it didn't make sense to me...but I've heard the answer is B just made no sense :@ I could have done something stupid though...</p>

<p>Ok misguided notion then. I will change it later.</p>

<p>23n/17, I'm positive that was D not E.</p>

If "n" was a prime number and you add "n + 2" so that number is a prime number, then what set (answer) would make this statement false


41, 43 are both prime so it doesn't work.
The question wants a pair with the first number being prime, and the next number not being prime. 61, 63 is the answer</p>

<p>argh, that QC digit problem was my 1 error on the math section. really stupid error too. i hope i don't lose my 800 becuz of this.</p>

<p>i put that too 20 is greater (yay), geez is it a coincidence that this was the same exact test that i took last time??? or is this normal?</p>

<p>The QC with the addition of variables and the number 20:</p>

<p>Since P + R had no remainder and the first and last digits were equal of the sum that means Q + Q also has no remainder. Which means they add up to less than 20 or else one of them would have a remainder when adding.</p>