<p>can someone compile the questions and answers?</p>
<p>bump about the difficulty difference between oct math2c and nov math2c</p>
<p>For the 5, 7, 9 I was not thinking and used the right triangle ratios and got around ~54, so I just picked the closest choice, 50.4</p>
<p>And for the heartbeats I took 2pi times 60 seconds = 120pi and sin 120pi = 0 + 120= 120.</p>
<p>I thought the nov math 2c was extremely easy. Did anyone else feel this way?</p>
<p>The Who, stop asking that, its a real small chance someone signed up for back to back math2c tests since by the time you get your october score (and are upset about it) its too late for november registration unless ur desperate and do standby or something - so theres a real small chance someone here will be able to ansewr that</p>
<p>what does it mean when someone "Bump"s</p>
<p>Not to defy jksbond :), but I <em>did</em> take the math2 back to back oct & nov (cancelled the october one at the test site because I messed up the time and I figured the score would suck anyway.)
To answer The_Who's question, I would say this one was easier. My judgement's based partly on the fact that I had alot more prep for this one, but I would definietly say that Nov had more recognizable, understandable concepts.</p>
<p>wats considered to be a regular curve??
according to the score chart on princeton review, the scores for MATH IIC is 800 uptill 43(raw score) 790(42) 780(41) 770(40) 760(39) 750(38) 740 (37) 730(36)... 700(33)</p>
<p>wat do u thinks gonna happen for todays test</p>
<p>I got:</p>
<h1>50) 0.76</h1>
<h1>4?) 2nd and 4th quadrants</h1>
<h1>49) 332</h1>
<h1>4?) 11.82</h1>
<p>curve predictions please !!?</p>
<h1>4?) 2nd and 4th quadrants</h1>
<p>"that's 2nd and 3rd quadrants" </p>
<p>And for the heartbeats I took 2pi times 60 seconds = 120pi and sin 120pi = 0 + 120= 120.
the period was 1, so I thought it was 60 hearbeats</p>
<p>The answer to the sphere problem (#49) is C</p>
<p>i omitted the heartbeat question
can anyone please explain how to solve that question (dont exactly remember the question either)</p>
<p>dog dish one:</p>
<p>I found the area of the one circle on the bottom of the dish, pi*r^2, then I found the surface area of the outside of the cylinder, then I found the surface area of the Sphere, divide the surface area of it by 2 and add, you end up with D, I believe.</p>
<p>can some one remind me of the quadrants problem? I don't remember anything about quadrants.</p>
<p>Barum, </p>
<p>cos^2x= -sq (1-sin^2x)<br>
what is x located?</p>
<p>Ah, I see what you mean.</p>
<p>The period is equal to 2pi/abs(b), so 2pi/120pi = 1/60 *60 sec = 1 period. Thus there are 60 heartbeats per second. </p>
<p>Darn, I got that wrong. And I omitted #49, and I'm pretty sure I bombed the one with r, s, k, v (I put D (I believe it was sv/6) and the general consensus seems to be choice E, rs/10)</p>
<p>Let's see, the only other one I wasn't sure about was the sequences one with Sk and whatever. Does anybody have the answer to that? And how many more can I get wrong before I lose my precious 800? :(</p>
<p>In response to The Who, I took last month's, and I thought this month's was easier. Last time I left 9 blank, (although I was confident in the others) and got a 670. This time, I left 7 blank, so we'll see how it actually went. Overall (IC, IIC, and Physics), I thought this month's tests were easier.</p>
u got a 670 with a 41 raw score?? did u answer correctly all the ones that you attempted?? </p>
<p>if that happens dis time... im gonna kill myself</p>
<p>9 blank on sat 2 math = 670 -- WHAT ?!?</p>