<p>Didn't see one yet, so I figured I'd make one. Who else is transferring for Fall 2013 and whats your major/GPA? What do you guys know about notification dates for when we receive our decision, admissions told me the transfer notification is on the same timeline as RD applicants. </p>
<p>iSchool- Information Management & Technology</p>
<p>GPA- 3.5 (CC)</p>
<p>hey just found this post today, hopefully its not inactive. </p>
<p>But I too applied to transfer to Syracuse for Fall 2013. Just received my electronic acceptance form. They sent to my email as of early this morning. I just turned in my mid term report for Spring Semester about a week ago as well since I’m from Socal and we’re not quite done yet with community college here. I heard transfers usually receive notifications around this month too.</p>
<p>Has anyone else still not received an admissions decision yet for transfer???</p>
<p>Hi! I’m looking to transfer to SYR as a Bio major and I was just wondering what your guys’ stats were? Hoping to transfer by Fall 2014…
Current GPA 3.43 (hoping to raise it
) and with 2 medical internships (biomedical engineering research program at UCI and Clinical care extender at a Long Beach hospital) and I am also working at an optometry office.</p>