***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Please post here if you are applying during 2019-2020 season.

Courtesy @Roentgen

Questions you should think about for medical school selection



Please check out the previous years RESULTs thread to get an idea of stats and profiles of students getting into BS/MD program. Here is the link:



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@sajju786 you are an expert on this now! First timer here - super stressed!

Hi, can anyone please explain the Upstate Accelerated Scholars program into SUNY Upstate’s College of Medicine? Are these only for NY residents? What are the pros and cons of each program? It’s very confusing.

Newbie at this. Just started reading about all the BS/MD programs; there are sooo many…

@purpledaisies This is the thread for all your queries and interact with other students / parents who will be applying in the coming cycle. Pasting your post here.

Unless you try, you never know the outcome. Test scores alone is not the criteria for admission. He should start focusing on the main college essay and also the secondary essays prepare for interview etc.,

My kid is about to complete jr year. Should we be even applying for BSMD with below. I think another attempt at SAT might help. Please advise!

Weighted GPA: 4.25
Unweighted GPA: 3.97

SAT: 1500
ACT: 34

Slated to complete IB Diploma with IB Math, IB Bio, IB Chem, IB French and other courses.

Research Internship- 6 months+ in Hospital.
President in Leadership
NASA RockOn project
20+ hrs of job Shadowing exp
100+ hours of Volunteering experince with Tutoring+OFB

Thank you @GoldenRock .

Message me with any questions. I am two years into my program and I have seen both sides of admissions.

@purpledaisies If you are an ORM (read Asian including Indian), your SAT score is low. Please take subject SATs ( Biology, Chemistry,Math) if you have not already done. Apply widely and do not expect much. All you need is ONE acceptance.

ACT = 34 is good enough.
No need to re-take SAT.
Just submit your ACT scores.

@brown2024 we go through this stress applying…lol.
If we can help anyways here let us know…

My son is in junior year and his unweighted GPA is 3.7. Can anyone please advise the options for BS/MD programs with this GPA. Thank you.

@grtd2010, how does being ORM matter? shouldnt they be looking irrespective of who that is? Or since most applicants are ORM, does it get more competitive and hence more SAT?

Hi, my daughter is a sophomore and she is taking Bio SAT II this Saturday. She is asking if there is a preference to the admission officers if she is taking ecology or molecular. She is scoring better on the ecology test. Your advice is greatly appreciated.

Let her take ecology.

Thank you!

I posted my question in 2019 thread. Sorry for reposting my question again here in 2020:

Would someone please shine the light on why ZZZ / NJMS have different SAT/ACT/GPA min requirements to apply for the undergraduate schools? For example, NJIT/NJMS has a min requirement of 1490 SAT to apply, College of NJ/NJMS has a min requirement of 1500, and Stevens Institute of Technology/NJMS has a min requirement of 1400? Does this probably mean when NJMS reviews the applications, they are likely to accept a lot more of students from College of NJ and NJIT? What I am trying to figure out is if my son should even apply to any undergrad program with NJMS if he has a score of 1450 and 4.5 GPA (He will retake the SAT)

Also, there seems to be a lot of students from the East Coast apply to the BS MD programs. I don’t think anyone in the city where we live (West Coast) even knows what BS MD is. Do the BS MD programs look into demography of where the applicants are from? Does he have an “diversity” advantage over this at all?

@gradedu Do not go by the minimum requirements. The pool of candidates is very competitive and those selected mostly have very high SAT/ACT scores. In my opinion, for NJIT, SAT 1450 is a low score for initial screening (a preliminary interview with NJIT) if you are an ORM. CA has a fair share of BSMD students at NJMS. In my opinion, one should aim for a score in mid 1500 for SAT.

@purpledaisies Yes, ORM candidate pool is very competitive with candidates having perfect scores and 4.0 UW GPA. An ORM competes with other ORM candidates only.