<p>so guys! </p>
<p>has anyone heard yet about an interview??? its already january...? those of you who are currently in the program or have applied, share your stats and thoughts on the program/ interview. advice would be greatly appreciated! and when the time comes in march(?), post up your decisions!</p>
<p>There’s a Bacc/MD thread in the Multiple Degree Programs under “Pre Med and Medical Schools”, with present students and students who have also applied for the program. You can get lots of input there.</p>
<p>The Official USC Baccalaureate/MD Thread </p>
<p>Sorry don’t know how to do the actual link, but click on Discussion Home, and scroll down till you find it.</p>
<p>who all is applying? post ur stats etc? so nervoussss
how many applied? and how many get called for interview?? and how many after that?</p>
<p>its something like about 800-1000 apply to USC (this year im guessing its probabaly more)
about 100 get selected for the interview
45 make it
and about 30 decide to accept
so i mean, youve got pretty close to a 50% shot once youve got the interview. i think they just want to see if you can hold a conversation, are fun to be around, and are someone whom they want to work with for 8 years. come accross as friendly, inquisitive, educated, etc. and i think youll be just fine! i mean, youve already won a major part of the race if youre selected for the interview. you should be getting something in the mail, id like to say, by the end of january, but im not promising anything. i know for RHP you recieve the acceptance letter in mid-January (there are no interviews for RHP). Since RHP is a special program, and so is the BS/MD, im gussing they should be arriving at the same time, esp. cuz BS/MD has interviews in late January/Febraury.</p>
<p>ppenguin, thanks so much! what happens if you are not selected for the interview? will you still be recieving something in the mail, or if you didnt get anything, you presume you were rejected? id hate to keep wondering!</p>
<p>They send out letters to everyone, both rejected and invited to come for an interview.</p>
<p>when do they send out these letters? by the end of january? man im so excited!!! if you guys dont mind me asking, for those accepted, what are your stats and activities, etc. i looked thru the thread for the bs/md but i dont think there were many stats stuff. also what do they ask in the interview? this question was never answered…</p>
<p>nvm, i already asked the “when” question but i forgot that you guys had already replied…sorry about that! so my main question is: what do they ask for in interviews? and referring to my statement of “it hasnt been answered,” i meant that in the official thread, i think someone asked the question but i dont remember a direct answer…thanks so much!
i <3 USC i am praying that i get into the program!</p>