<p>With decisions 24 hours away, I noticed the UGA discussion board was missing something...</p>
<p>Feel free to post anything about tomorrow's decisions!</p>
<p>Tomorrow, post if you were accepted/waitlisted/denied and your stats! Best of luck to all! </p>
<p>Go Dawgs!</p>
<p>wonder if they are waiting until 5</p>
<p>Decisions are out according to someone on the UGA Class of 2018 Facebook page. I’m a current student so I don’t have access. :c</p>
<p>Should I be worried that there is no email in my inbox???</p>
<p>Too nervous to check the status </p>
<p>ACCEPTED after being deferred from early action </p>
<p>Got admitted to spring semester!</p>
<p>@jtashe2 Congrats! did you get an email saying you had a decision made or were accepted?</p>
<p>I have been waitlisted :/</p>
<p>I guess it’s better than being denied. I just hope I can get a spot! This is obviously sad new for me but, good luck everyone else! </p>
<p>Anyone know any waitlist statistics? It’s weird every year. In 2011 it was only 11, in other years it’s been upwards of 500-700. </p>
<p>My dd was waitlisted last night to Cornell and there will be 1800 on waitlist and the most they have ever accepted off of the list was 165 some years they have not offered ANY spots</p>
<p>Being waitlisted stinks big time- the being in limbo stinks!!!</p>
<p>UGA has always been my dd’s #1 school (weird for a NY’er) and it was the first school she applied to and she applied early action- it was also the 1st school we heard back from with a deffer- we were so freaked out as she applied to other schools that had a lower accept rate so she quickly added like 8 more schools to her list- well she would up sending 20 applications and has no rejections!!! She was deferred to 3 and waitlisted to 3 and has gotten in to all the rest</p>
<p>Oddly now UGA is the last to have gotten back to us now with an acceptance and I think it’s too late now… Pretty sure sure is picking Purdue</p>
<p>@Doberlady Wow. She applied to a ton! Glad she got such positive results from most colleges! I wish I applied to more! </p>
<p>Hope she will successful wherever she plans to attend. Congrats! Hoping UGA selects more than 11 this year :P</p>
<p>wish I could give you our spot @camover she applied to too many due to UGA we were shocked at the deferr</p>
<p>@Doberlady Thank you so much for your comment! </p>
<p>I’m willing to play the waiting game for my first choice :)</p>
<p>Accepted! Hoping that all those who got waitlisted get in too!