Since waitlist decisions will be coming out relatively soon, I wanted to create this forum for updates about students waitlisted for the Class of 2020. Please post updates. Does anyone know when/how many people are being taken off the waitlist?
Hey! I got an email yesterday saying that a small number of students will be offered waitlists. They also asked me if I am still interested to reply to them with an email expressing my interest in attending Williams.
I had already sent an email expressing my interest. Today I got accepted from the waitlist. In the email they said they offered admissions to 15 students from the waitlist for now. However, some of those students might not accept the offer and the process will continue throughout the summer since some students might get into waitlists or decide not to attend Williams for other reasons. I hope you guys can get in, the waitlist process is very shady and uncertain.
ACT 33- 35M/35E/28R/36S
GPA- 4.22 weighted
SAT 2- Math (800), Physics (780)
I don’t think stats are very important in the waitlist process. They are looking for a well rounded class, so other factors may come into account at this point.
They said they’ll give me 48 hours from the moment I got the update on my decision and if I applied to financial aid they’d give me 48 from the moment I receive my financial aid package. I have not received my financial aid package yet because they asked me for more documents, but they reviewed my financial aid the day after they sent me the email, so normally they’d probably send the FA package very soon after the decision.
I’ve called the admissions office many times throughout the last few days, and they said that no waitlist decisions have been made and that no one’s been notified. Can anyone attest to this?
@TToDSkeith Have colleges been known to do that kind of thing before? Has anyone experienced it? On the phone, the women said that they were making final waitlist decisions today and Monday, but I’m not sure why someone would’ve already been admitted on the forum then. Would the admissions office actually do that?
In the past, waitlists have been notified via phone call (as far as I know, they’ll only email you when you’ve missed the call multiple times (?) and I’m not sure why they would tell you the exact # of people getting off the waitlist in an admit email). Also says on the Waitlist FAQ, that they usually notify waitlist admits after the 1st week of May, when they are still trying to determine their yield; the waitlist FAQ also repeats what I said earlier about waitlist admits being admitted via phone.
I’m just stating a few facts here, and what happened to Willy may have indeed happened (I don’t know why anyone would want to lie about such things). Just remember to keep hoping for great results and don’t let anything posted on CC get you down and if any of us gets admitted from the waitlist, congratulations! But even if we don’t, just remember to love the school that you submitted your deposit to. Good luck everyone!
I can confirm that Williams has already reached out to the first round of wait list students. Unfortunately, the 15 expressed interest in attending, so don’t get your hopes up.
@amck4321 I am not doubting you are correct, but where did you get this info? It sounds like something you would have to have heard first-hand from a Williams official.