<p>List your stats here, folks (:
Countdown to Dec. 15! Who's received their postcard already?</p>
<p>What kind of postcard do you expect to receive?</p>
<p>I just thought they mailed acceptances in the mail. Is this some kind of early write for ED kids?</p>
<p>Hi I am from S.Korea~
I have received ‘ED application completed’ emailed but not the postcard yet~the mail said it will arrive soon…
I am curious how many internationals have applied for ED … apparently much more than last year !</p>
<p>Good luck folks lol</p>
<p>worknprogress: nope, just a confirmation that they received your application</p>
<p>What are your stats, dudtjs1990?</p>
<p>I’m applied Williams ED.
A bit too embarrassed to reveal my stats though… hehe.</p>
<p>lol they can’t be worse than my stats. are you an international too, haojin?</p>
<p>email, not emailed lol
haha I thought you wrote ‘states’ !
sorry I am also embarrassed … my stats aren’t good
I am just proud that I have applied for my dream school ^^</p>
<p>No, I’m not an international student.</p>
<p>But… trust me… my scores are terrible. My standardized tests are not in the 30s (ACT) or 2000s (SAT). My GPA is a B+.
Neither am I an athlete.</p>
<p>I think it’ll have to take a miracle for me. :D</p>
<p>oh Early Decision. I’m just praying for December 15th to come quickly and with a happy outcome!</p>
<p>Wooot! ED!!</p>
<p>has anyone gotten their postcard yet?</p>
<p>Nope, no postcard. Have many people from your school applied early to Williams?
No one’s even heard of Williams at my school.</p>
<p>no one else from my school applied</p>
<p>Only one person is applying RD to Williams.
I’m the only ED for Williams. :D</p>
<p>Williams is pretty big at my school because it’s in the Northeast. I’m not sure who is applying though.</p>
<p>Since I am from the Midwest most people really don’t even know where Williams is.</p>
<p>I live in the Northeast, no one knew about Williams in my school until I introduced it to them. :/</p>
You should definitely count me in! lol
I’m an international student from China
=D, glad to meet you guys here!</p>