Official Writing November thread

<p>bluegrass was no error. It was blue grass fuels....prepositional phrase...and protects....prepositional phrase....</p>

<p>do you guys remember the sentence. if this was one of the question in the middle, i did put no error. however i cant recall this one</p>

<p>My two no error were both in the 35 question section. One was in the middle of the SC and the other was the last of the SC before going onto shakespeare.</p>

<p>Bluegrass cannot be no error
It said "bluegrass fuels wildires by dividing plants blah blah and _____ from other things (cant remember that part). In the ____ they had protects. If it was protects that would be saying it protects wildfires but it should say protecting because its protecting plants.
Also lil bandito
For the merit question did you put the "he" phrase or one of the "music merits".
Also what about the one, "in may, construction began on that will be attaching to the existing building". I put construction began.
Finally on the question about this woman and achieving goals I put A (debate between A and C).</p>

<p>im pretty sure bluegrass was not the middle question and has an error.<br>
and for the construction one, the problem is not the began. it is the "will be attaching" it should be "would attach". the past and future tense cannot be put as one.</p>

<p>and to settle this debate over the bluegrass question, gyros and il bandito, which one of you scores higher on writing. that should settle it.</p>

<p>how come it can't be construction began? Can't you say construction will begin? That way its future and future. Your way is past and past. I dont see how either of us is wrong. Madame what did you put for the other ones. Also the "in may" can be seen as ambiguous. You don't know if its future or past... i took it to mean something that will happen.</p>

<p>ok i put the same answer for the blue grass
i put music meirts</p>

<p>and i see your logic to the construction one, so im not sure.
and i dont remember the woman achieving goal- please give me more details</p>

<p>and also gyro, do you remember the first reading comp question in section2. what was the answer. it was regarding the vocab thing</p>

<p>It was section 10 the woman question (question 9 iirc... it was 2nd to last on the second page.). It was talking about how a lady found it easier to achieve goals after doing writing them down.
I think they will throw out construction one. its WAY too ambiguous for the test... also for ur question it was solitary (at least on my test it was).</p>

<p>i think the question was about some animal who had this eyelid that protects it from sand.</p>

<p>I am also torn for the construction question. I answered the same as madame, but I can see both arguments. It could be, "In may, we will be attaching... to the current building," or "In may, we will attach.... to the current building." The first one is the Future Perfect tense that indicates the time during attachment, which would further indicate that they attachment must be started by the beginning of May. Whereas the second answer is merely the future active tense, which would suggest that the attachment will begin in May. I suppose either could be right.... If only we had the full question.</p>

<p>WAIT it SAID exisiting building. So construction hasn not begun. Argh I still confused.
OH YA my no error was this
The bus driver felt confident or something after the conditions of the snow became lighter (it was about 2 questions before the construction one)
It said for the one before
In may, < A > construction would begin < A > that < will be attaching >to the < existing > < one >
Ok that was the question
how is it will be attaching because it wouldn't make sense with the existing... but existing was also underlined. Omg i hate this question.
But anyhow i stated my 1 no error. did anyone else have it?</p>

<p>Yea i had that one about the bus driver, and the question at the end of Sentence Corrections in that section. Right before it began talking about some idiot who clearly could not write a simple paragraph discussing the influence of Shakesperian language today! ;)</p>

<p>i think the question was
In may, the construction began building something that will be attaching to the existing one.</p>

<p>That looks extremely close to the actual question madame. Making "will be attaching" the correction because the participle "attaching" has no agent. ->"In May, the contruction began, building something that will be attached to the existing one." Since there is no longer a participle, the agent can be impersonal or implied.</p>

<p>I remember</p>

<p>"blue grass fuels wild fires by...and protects the desert from..."</p>

<p>Thus it was grammatically sound. No verb tense nonsense.</p>

<p>one phrase:</p>

<p>I hated the essay topic</p>

<p>I think this was the sentece
"In may, construction began that will be attaching to the already existing one (this seems very close to it..)
Bah I still dont understand if you would change the first or last part.
It just sounds REALly wierd to me If you change it to the past... just for some reason i dont know. God if i miss this and the merit one i am already at -5.. well i lost my chances for a 700 (even with a 10 essay. Curves are always so ****in bad on writing).</p>

<p>I freaking hate this stupid question. I am just saying that the part with attaching is wrong because it is just wrong to have a participle there. The other participle "existing" cannot be replaced as it is grammatically correct. I have absolutley no idea what rule would make anything in this sentence wrong. Though there clearly is something VERY wrong.</p>

<p>I think "it will be attaching" implies that the building itself will be doing the attaching, rather than the construction workers or whoever.</p>

<p>I mean i put the construction began part.</p>