<p>Oh Darn it I Got Rejected From all the Rutgers colleges. I need some advice as to what to do now. I still really want to go to rutgers more then any other college. My plan is to go to another University such as Kean,or st Peters and then after a year transfer with a very good gpa (3.7+/4.0). I am also going to take the SAT with the intention of doing much better(i got 4 months to study and with 2 hrs each day i think i can pull off at least a 2100) I also plan to take the ACT and SAT II Bio,Math,chem,spanish and maybe physics. I was hoping what would be my odds of getting into each of the rutgers colleges as a transfer? I hope to transfer at least some of my courses. Is there anything else i should do to improve before high school ends? should i go to a community college for 2 years instead and then transfer through an articulation program?</p>
Algebra 1 B+ Average
English 1 C+ Avg
History 1 B+ Avg
Spanish 1 D+ Avg (I wanna make up for this on the SAT 2 to show that i improved)
Earth Science B+ Avg
Computer Science (Elective) A+</p>
<p>Damn if you got rejected then I have no chance, I had a higher SAT score but you have better GPA and some AP courses, St. Peters is a good school and I got a scholarship from them which was shocking</p>
<p>oops i forgot to post my gpa and rank my gpa was about a 3.05 out of 4.5 which equals to about a 2.7 and my rank is 53% thats not too good and yes i am in state</p>
<p>I would definitely try taking the ACT; the two tests are very different and some people do poor on one and much better on the other. It's worth a try. Make sure to send them your midyear transcript to show them your'e getting A's and B's. However, I would only take the SAT 2s if you know you are going to do extremely well on them. Just my opinion. Good Luck!</p>
<p>Yes. As with any big state school there are many transfer spots open. Only take classes that will transfer for this one year and you will be fine. If you want, take a class or two at Rutgers this summer (search for an easy class using ratemyprofessor.com) and get a track record at Rutgers.</p>
<p>why do you think you can get a 2100 if you basically got a 1500 both times? you should try the options you mentioned but also call admissions and write a letter to them, expressing your desire to attend rc. i've known people who have been rejected and did just that and were eventually offered a spot.</p>
<p>being rejected was a slap in the face for me and it told me that i was a bit too lazy in high school and since i wanted to go to rutgers since i was little i was really dissapointed. This expierence has made me try to change my ways. I knew i would have done better on the SATs if i had just practiced a lot more. I had attended two SAT classes and got nothing out of them because i was not taking things seriously. </p>
<p>btw its possible to take summer classes at rutgers? do you have a website that gives info?</p>
<p>Go to brookdale or whatever cc near you has an agreement with rutgers, and transfer after one or two years. If you keep a decent gpa there, you'll be fine to transfer in.</p>
<p>I'd recommend writing a letter to rutgers. Then try to get the SAT scores up. My friend applied undeclared major with a 1690 SAT and got into every campus with the exception of New Brunswick. The SAT IIs are uneccessary.</p>
<p>I feel like one of the lucky ones. My Gpa was a 3.0 and SAt scores were preety low. 1400. and i got into all the rutgers colleges. THANK GOD FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.</p>
<p>there is no affirmative action at rutgers I believe. The minority population percentage is already one of, if not the, highest in the nation among universities.</p>