oh no, will my Calpoly admission be revoked for this?

i got accepted to calpoly-slo, however, i reported two classes that aren’t on my school’s a-g list (one taken during junior year and one taken during senior year, closest match would be under “visual and performing arts”), despite the fact that my counselor told me to go ahead and report those courses - i received an A both semesters in the former class, and received an A first semester in the latter (final grade for second semester not out yet), so it only affected my “CSU” GPA by 0.02 points and my overall by 0.03 points. the classes, however, still do show up on my transcript with the correct letter grades listed above.

i pretty much am in good standing right now, as my current gpa with the senior grades included is higher than the one i reported on the app.

i have already notified the admissions office about this, however i probably won’t get the response till tomorrow or thursday… any thoughts as to what may happen?

<p>Did you have enough A-G classes without those two? If so, don't worry about it. They usually look all that stuff up and recalculate your GPA anyway.</p>

<p>yes, i put those two courses under "G", but taking psychology already satisfied the requirement</p>

<p>i guess it's not much worry?</p>