Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

They will let you know. But they said they were working on it still and may be a few weeks for HnS, Scholarships, Fin Aid. Some people have already received emails though.

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Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m so confused forgive me for being clueless. I just have a regular portal with an admissions status tab. So if weā€™re not applying for scholarships/aid then we donā€™t have all these pencils & locks & buckeye mail?. TIA

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Everyone can log into ScholarshipUniverse (Apply for scholarships) | buckeyelink and see.

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Portal where you applied to scholars? Do you have a link? I thought that was in the Common App.

Is it in Buckeyelink somewhere? Iā€™m trying to figure this out before I get locked out.

Just wait, 17 hours to go and weā€™ll know.
Relax, chaps, grab a cup of coffee, watch some good movies, have a nice night of sleep and weā€™ll know soon


So if your scholarship universe says Columbus campus for the admitted/attending question, that doesnā€™t mean anything right?

Nobody knows, is yours locked?

no. i didnā€™t even know what scholarship universe was until 5 min ago so Iā€™ve been trying to catch up with what everyoneā€™s saying lol.

is there a lock sign or a pencil next to it?

iā€™m in state and I find it weird that everyone keeps saying ā€œdeferred or deniedā€ but I havenā€™t heard of OSU doing that for in state students, they just send them to an alternate campus which is why iā€™m focused on that campus question

itā€™s a pencil

In state people like you and I can be deferred; and denied for us does mean a regional campus.

@dragonflies1 Iā€™ve heard that people received an email. No word here, so I was wondering if that was a rejection.

Iā€™ve heard the same but I asked and thatā€™s what they said. Maybe they are waiting for OOS or maybe until all the EA decisions come out. I would be shocked with my stats if I didnā€™t get any of these not that it matters. But they may have already dropped me from system but I still have access to the portal.

ok that makes sense. I never really thought about getting into an alternative campus as being ā€œdeniedā€ because you can transfer to main campus the next year

Anyone know how Ohio State feels about Out of state applicants who arenā€™t applying for any aid (full pay)? Do they get an admissions bump?

Well they arenā€™t need blind but they donā€™t give out much need based aid that I know of. Certainly possible though.

Iā€™m hearing some talk of EA decisions possibly coming out tomorrow, can anyone confirm?

On their website it states that the final EA decisions would be released on January 29.

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