Ohio State University Early Action For Fall 2024 Admission

This is the official thread for those applying EA to Ohio State University.

List your unweighted GPA, any SAT /ACT scores, and ECs. What majors are you going into?
Ask your questions, the CC community is here to help!

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1380 - unweighted 2.7 - weighted 3.7 - ECs include martial arts, volunteering at food banks. Worth trying?

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If you are an in state student they will ask which alternate regional campus you would be interested in attending if not admitted to Columbus. Research the other campuses and decide which alternate campus you’d be most interested in attending.

Regional campuses have their own merit money to give and charge less tuition than main campus. I know the Marion campus is particularly generous to students. Mansfield had merit aid for modest stats as well. Newark is closest. Wooster is great for agriculture students. Lima is another option.

What major do you think you want to pursue?

You would find out at the time of acceptance that you were accepted to a regional campus? and then transfer in like a year?

In past cycles students found out at time of acceptance that they were admitted to a regional campus.

I believe most students are eligible to take classes on main campus after a year. The regional campus academic advisor will work with you and let you know what you need to do. I think it’s successful completion of 30 credit hours. But definitely reach out to the regional campus advisors directly and ask.

There are also honors programs and research opportunities at regional campuses. Some students will stay longer to take advantage of reduced tuition.


Excited to report that my daughter just submitted her Common App, so now we wait! She will be a business major, and here are her stats: OOS, GPA 4.3W/3.98UW, SAT 1480, 7APs. Fingers crossed!

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There are two dates on the OSU website for EA Decision date – anyone know what the two dates are – is one in-state and the other is out of state? Just curious. Thanks.

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Undecided Biology

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3.4 GPA :+1:t4:


In years past it’s been both IS/OOS on their 2 release dates.


DD just submitted her Common App. She will be a communications major:
GPA 4.0 UW | 6.52 W
SAT 1370
7 APs (two 5s and a 4 on tests so far)
6 Honors
4 years school soccer (JV captain), VP of Habitat for Humanity, 3 honors societies
Fingers crossed!

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My kiddo is finalizing their application for OSU this weekend.

3.85 uw, 4.1 weighted
30ACT superscore
2 AP, several honors
EC- science Olympiad, band, orch, jazz band 4 years; tennis 3 years. Works 12 hours/week. Summer ASP service project and volunteer work at church

Wants Aerospace Engineering or Mech engineering

Any idea about scholarships for kiddos through OSU? I’ve heard they aren’t too generous.

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My OOS S22 with a similar grade profile but with a higher ACT score (35, one sitting), got $15.5k/year from them, which brought the cost of attendance close to our state flagship. He too was a College of Engineering applicant (Industrial Engineering). So they do award merit scholarships of reasonable amounts.

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We just submitted the OSU application and realized that we still had it marked to NOT submit ACT scores because of the previous application submitted (another school with 32-35 as average scores). I guess we reach out to OSU admissions and see if anything can be done…

Wait! We are good! They said YES to the scores. My goodness this is all too much!

After applying, how long did it take to receive email with portal login information?

S24 received an email from the OSU Service desk about 24 hours after submission of application.

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Applied yesterday and received portal login today. We sent ACT score back in September, but it is showing as Incomplete. Assuming just a lag in matching score to application?

Yes. Just wait a couple of days.