<p>Anyone know anything about its status???</p>
<p>Ohio Choice Grants are awarded to Ohio residents pursuing their first bachelor's degree and enrolled as FULL TIME students. In addition eligibility is limited to students who were not enrolled previously as a full time student in an associate or baccalaureate degree granting program PRIOR to July 1, 1984. Your Choice Grant is estimated at this time due to the State of Ohio's budget not yet being finalized. Sometime during the summer, you will be notified should our estimate differ from Ohio's actual award level, and if necessary, adjustments will be made. [from Capital Univ. website]</p>
<p>It should be about $900</p>
<p>You can go here for updates...
<a href="http://www.aicuo.edu/SaveStudentChoice.htm%5B/url%5D">http://www.aicuo.edu/SaveStudentChoice.htm</a></p>
<p>I just received an email yesterday asking for emails to be sent to legislators for the next step - it sounded like there would still be some cuts, but the extent is unknown. </p>
<p>I also received an email today from one of the legislators I wrote saying...</p>
<p>Thank you for your e-mail regarding full funding for Student Choice and eligibility for the new STEM scholarship. I share your concerns and believe that Ohio should be fully supportive of students attending private as well as public schools in Ohio. </p>
<p>We have just been told that state revenues for the next two years will be approximately $250 million less than what we had expected. This will make all funding decisions much more difficult.</p>
<p>Given the funding shortfall, I believe we should seriously consider delaying implementation of the new STEM scholarship by a year. This would help balance the budget and importantly would allow us to seriously consider several important issues, including insuring that private school students are able to participate in the program.
Thanks very much for bringing these issues to my attention.
Sincerely yours,
Dale Miller
State Senator</p>
<p>The STEM has to do with scholarships for science, math and engineering (?) students. </p>
<p>Today I was at my D's college orientation and someone asked about the Ohio Choice Grant - honestly they did not seem too confident - they said they are looking at many different options (this particular college) to not have the effects of this fall into the laps of the students. Guess we all have to wait and see...</p>
<p>Here is the link to write a letter to ask them to save the $900 grant - anyone who supports this, please take the two minutes to submit an email letter...</p>
<p>Just in case you do a search on the Ohio Choice Grant or the Ohio Academic Scholarship they are not available for 2009-2010 (at least for incoming Freshman).</p>
<p>Well, it may have been $900 in the past (I think my oldest son’s package in 2005/2006) and I don’t think he actually got the full amount. In 2006/2007 the grant went down to $720(?) and I don’t think he got the full amount. This school year their uni said each son would get $660 ea & by the time (or some time after) school started it went down to $600. Thankfully their school picked up the shortfall each time. The school said something in this year’s letter that they wouldn’t be able to pick up the shortfall in future years.</p>
<p>I would be thrilled if it stayed at $600. I am not counting on it.</p>