Ok I'm sure this is "wrong"

<p>I'm sure people don't like these kinda threads (or maybe they do whatever) but I'm interested. If any of you have been accepted as transfer to NYU, Columbia, Cornell, Chicago, Brown, Emory, Northwestern I would REALLY appreciate knowing what kind of stats or whatnot you had. I have to cut down my college choices to about 8 (I also have 4 schools on my list that are easier) or so if I'm going to give my full attention and I don't want to apply to a place where my chances are incredibly low.</p>

<p>Maybe just like GPA, current college, and test scores,
Anything else you may want to add that you think got ya in.</p>


<p>Well I feel that informing us of your stats would facilitate the matter. Gimme your stats and then we can work.</p>

<p>lol been there done that VERY detailed (at least i'd say so) stats can be found on this post:
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=199293%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=199293&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>First of all, attaining your Associate's is a great bonus--with a 4.0 GPA that's even better. This fall, I want you to get involved with a volunteer program, honors society, or an activity pertaining to your major; in fact, seeking a leadership position is recommended. Make sure you write terrific essays especially the part that asks "why transfer here". I don't have the endurance to detail the precise stats of admitees of the schools mentioned. However, as for your chances to those schools, Emory would definitely accept you--it's transfer friendly. NYU, UChicago, and NW are also great matches for you. Let me inform you that I have not mentioned any of the ivies because regardless of your stats, ivies are reaches--so don't feel deterred--but I say apply to Columbia and Cornell. Hope this helps :)</p>

<p>thats very helpful akafizzle. as my extracurriculars say, i've basically started taking leadership positions this year (which sucks that it was only now but will hopefully show motivation). I have over 200 hours community service from working at the YMCA, am vice president of Honors Society, Vice President of the Entrepreneurial Club (business club for our college) and Vice President of Student Government. I didn't want any President positions since my courses are going to get harder next year. I understand what you mean about the ivies. I have selected each of these places because they truly have something I want besides prestige and a good job aftewards. NYU has New YORK! what else. Chicago fits me better than any because I like to have friends but I strongly value an academic challenge to merely getting the grades. So I believe I'll be happy regardless of which one (hopefully one) I am accepted to...maybe not so much UT since I wanna get outta Texas.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input aka.</p>


<p>My victory over all statistics at Uchicago is first post here:
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=182695&page=1&pp=15%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=182695&page=1&pp=15&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>neverborn that is what i'm talkin about. thank you for the info...now if we could just get other people that got accepted at these schools to reveal their secrets.</p>

<p>For what it's worth, here</a> are my stats.</p>

<p>I got accepted to Northwestern, waitlisted at UChicago, and rejected at Cornell. I'm also a transfer from a cc, but I'm an older non-traditional student.</p>

<p>I think it's really a plus that you've taken the calc sequence. A lot of aspiring econ or business majors at community colleges often avoid those classes. It's also good that you are going to take physics. Just make sure it's calc based.</p>

<p>Oh and don't worry too much about the honors courses. cc honors courses are pretty much a joke anyway. The course difficulty is exactly the same, but you just write a few papers or do a project which aren't even graded. At least that's how it works at my cc. I only took 1 honors course, btw.</p>

<p>Overall, I think you have a solid shot at every school you mentioned!</p>

<p>lol exactly right about the honors thing...it's a complete joke! thanks johnM the more i know from you guys the better idea I have of my current chances...i'm guessing i'm probably gonna take that SAT one more time unless my ACT is a 35/36.</p>

<p>I got into Columbia, and had about the same stats as you. You have a good shot.</p>

<p>thank you lord...lol.</p>

<p>congratulations UCLAri, that is truly something to be proud of.</p>

<p>Hahah, thanks?</p>

<p>That was many years ago, and I never went, so I dunno how much I should be congratulated.</p>

<p>But thanks...I guess. :p</p>

<p>Brand_182, you're straight. Try your very best to maintain that 4.0, and you could almost guarantee your admission. Best of luck.</p>

<p>Does Emory have a higher acceptance rate? What is it? I have a </p>

<p>younger sister and she wants to transfer to emory with a 3.6 but she </p>

<p>went part-time. Though she wants to finally go full time if admitted at </p>

<p>emory. Does she have a shot? How should I advice her?</p>

<p>i've heard emory was a more transfer friendly school, but a lot of people that got in said you HAVE to show interest before you apply...as in if you can't make a trip to see the school, call a lot and ask a lot of questions. Also be sure she takes the required courses for transfer - as a business/econ major I have about 6.</p>

<p>Thank you brand_182</p>

<pre><code>I encouraged her to call emory but do not harrass them. One

<p>of the transfer admission officers told her she can call two weeks </p>

<p>from now after she receives some sort of card from emory. Can</p>

<p>any recommend an admission officer to speak too about emory?</p>