<p>Period 1: AP Spanish Language and Composition
Period 2: AP United States Government and Politics
Period 3: Physics (I wanted AP, but it didn't work out with my schedule)
Period 4: AP English Literature and Composition
Period 5: AP Calculus AB
Period 6: CTE Print Shop (we design apparel and market them like in a real store)</p>
<p>Rate it? Thanks! <3</p>
Change AP United States Government and Politics or AP English Literature for AP Physics.
Unless you want major with English.
AP English Literature doesn’t give you extra credit, if you took AP English Language before.</p>
<p>Oh man! Thanks for the advice! My counselor said its final because I bothered her about AP Physics twice… I hope CP Physics is good enough for UCB :/</p>
<p>I think that it’s a solid schedule, looks a lot like mine.
and it may be different than your school, but AP Gov is considered THE hardest AP at my school so…I think it’s good. But Literature is true, I took language already but i’m going to take lit just because I really like English. So you could trade that out maybe to take AP Physics and just take regular english or creative writing or something.</p>