OK, this is a really weird question

<p>…but does anyone know whether there’s a Sacred Harp Singing group near or at Bama?</p>

<p>(If you’re unfamiliar with Sacred Harp, see fasola dot org.)</p>

<p>I ask only because the state of Alabama is Sacred Harp Central. It even has a Sacred Harp summer camp. And its vintage-'40s Library of Congress recordings of the Alabama Sacred Harp Singers are legendary.</p>

<p>Our entire family used to participate in a local Sacred Harp Singing group here in Winston-Salem. (We stopped going because it conflicted with the kids’ youth group.)</p>

<p>Bama-bound son was the best shape-note singer of us all, although we all were raw beginners and needed a LOT of practice. But Bama-bound son could sing the complicated fuguing tunes, which were totally beyond the rest of us, LOL. He loves vocal music, including shape-note, and it would be cool if he could participate in an *a capella * group, especially a Sacred Harp group (particularly one which values enthusiasm more than expertise). </p>

<p>OK, now y’all know how weird and eccentric we are. :)</p>


<p>P.S. I owe several people PM responses, and I will respond tonight, I promise!</p>

<p>My daughter just joined a newly formed A Capella group on campus. They just formed a couple of weeks ago and are in the infancy stages. They hope to perform at some of the open mike nights that are sponsored on campus. I don’t have any more details than that. The group doesn’t even have a name yet, and I don’t think they have a faculty sponsor. </p>

<p>The Sacred Harp sounds interesting. I’ve heard of open performances of Messiah, and other works, but never they way you described it. I think it sounds great. I remember the old hymnals that had the odd shaped notes.</p>

<p>I know there are occasional shape note meetings? conventions? in Birmingham, and a good bit is practiced in northeast Alabama, around Fort Payne.
Surely there is some way to find out from a different forum? Or maybe you could try the forums on [Alabama</a> Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - al.com](<a href=“http://www.al.com%5DAlabama”>http://www.al.com). Choose “Interact.” You may have to post on several different regional forums to get a response.
Good luck!</p>

<p>Wow, Southlander…sorry, didn’t see this until now. Thanks!!</p>