okay class rank, great upward trend: yale?

<p>does a significant upward trend look good enough to replace class rank? here are my GPAs so far: </p>

<p>Unweighted GPAs
Freshman Year: 2.9 / 2.9
Sophomore Year: 2.9 / 3.2
Junior Year: 3.8 / 4.0*
Senior Year: 4.0*
*this is a goal gpa.</p>

<p>I'm one of those kids who always had potential but never used it, until lately. I have a lot of schools to look at but my biggest biggest BIGGEST reach is yale (brown comes in 2nd). My class rank is around 35/110.. and yale hardly goes beneath the top 10% range.. </p>

<p>Besides gpa and class rank, I have outstanding sat and act scores. I write exceptionally well and have received honors and awards for my work along with awards for photography. I participate in a fair amount of ECs and I expect on receiving great recommendations from my teachers as I have a close relationship with many of them.</p>

<p>So, what do you think? Please let me know! </p>

<p>PS: I know that yale is an impossibly high reach for me, don't think I actually believe I have a chance of getting in. I'm not that dumb haha.</p>

<p>SAT and ACT scores?</p>

<p>If you can pull off a powerful essay with exceptional letters of rec…it can be a reality. You should apply!!</p>

<p>werd, your upward trend is like mine…
I regret still slacking though cause it could have been better…:(</p>

<p>math: 760
reading comp: 740
writing: 770
total: 2270 </p>

<p>act: 35</p>

<p>and yeah i totally regret slacking off. veryyyy disappointing :(</p>

<p>Are you a minority? If so, you need to definately apply to Yale, and tell your story. Brown University will take a chance, they’re known to pick students outside of the box.
Add University of Chicago, a must. Reed, a neccesity. Also, you need to apply to Hillary Clinton’s alma mater, Wells!</p>

<p>nope, white upper class female…
i’m from the south, that help any? lol. </p>

<p>i’ve heard stuff about reed, i’ll look into that a little.</p>