<p>There's this pervading feeling that I've left a college out of my final list. I'm pursuing a career in museum studies (probably concentrated in history), but searching for a college for not a lot of core curriculum or distribution requirements so I can make myself marketable for a career as a curator, pursue studies in musical composition and playwriting so I can eventually write a Broadway musical, pursue studies in creative writing so I can someday publish a fantasy novel, and, at the same time, satiate my interests in the German language (I want to be proficient enough to eventually live over there), mythology, maritime history, ancient history, architectural history, philosophy, music history, and psychology--whew!
With that said (and I know I posted my interests a good 5 times already), are there any other colleges? What do you think about these colleges below and how they relate to my future plans?
University of Rochester (reach), Sarah Lawrence College, Beloit College, Kenyon College (reach), and Hobart and William Smith (safety)?
What about Ithaca College and Fordham University? I am not really sure about wheter applying to them or not (and I do, incidentally go to a Jesuit prep school, so that might look good in Fordham's eye) and would appreciate your opinions.
Any comments on my school list as far as intellectual fervor (I want a campus where there's a lot of studying and intellecual discussion), how liberal the campus is (because I'm pretty liberal), the party scene (I'm not a big fan of 'em), and the wealth of involvement in regards to campus activties, internships, and study abroad?
Now, I would really appreciate even more if someone would tell me my chances for getting in to the above schools or any others you suggest. I have an unweighted 93% average and an 1870 on my SAT's--and they're most likely higher after I took the October ones (V 660, M 590, W 620). I am, however, not taking many AP's, but the one's I did take were U.S. History, Gov't, Eco., and English; also, I'm taking a level I German course and I am not taking any science courses, which may be unfavorable on my application I'm very talented at the piano, having won awards in competitions, and I also write a lot of music (unpublished, of course). I am also very active in theater with musical directorships for two youth theater organizations.<br>
Okay. Go.<br>
Thanks a lot guys, especially for your patience and I need as many opinions as possible! Thank you!</p>
<p>I can't offer any new schools, but I dont think SLC is a reach for you.</p>
<p>The University of Rochester would be an excellent choice considering your interests in Museums and Music. U of R is affiliated with the Memorial Art Gallery in Rochester and Eastman School of Music. It is a pretty serious place academically. Kenyon is also excellent but tiny and located in cow country. Ithaca College is quite respectable and has a good music program. That would be a good place to apply. I am not sure about Fordham...is it an urban campus? You'd better look into the location. Villanova or Holy Cross might be better Catholic choices for you, or maybe Boston College, but BC would be a reach. I think the college that is missing from your list might be Syracuse. It offers a masters in Museum Studies but you might be able to get some courses as an undergrad. It has respectable creative writing, music, languages, and an excellent study abroad program. It is ranked 50th in US News among National Universities. SU is one of the best musical theater programs in the country. SU is one of a dozen colleges in the country that offers a major in architectural history. It offers a masters in music history (courses available for undergrads maybe). SU has a very nice campus. It is a good match for your stats. SU has an active Catholic community and one of the best Irish pubs in America is nearby where you can drink toasts to St Patrick with green beer year around. They deliver the green beer in a huge tanker truck before St Paddy's Day with a wonderful celebration. The traffic light outside the pub is upside down (so green is on the top). I digress...</p>
<p>I'm applying to Rochester too! I REALLY want to get in, though I don't know if I will :(. I don't really have any suggestions :)</p>
<p>Have you looked into Hampshire or Bennington? Very artsy, liberal, no core curriculum-- you can pursue ecclectic interests....</p>
<p>Holy Cross offers a great liberal arts education and has produced several famous alumn in the arts-including Pulitzer Prize winner</p>
<p>Thank you so much everybody! You really helped!</p>
<p>Really? Where do you live? What are your stats? What are you going for?</p>