Okay, okay. Chance me.

<p>So I finally decided to go for a chance thread. And it's been a while since I stalked my ED school's CC forum from October-December 13, and since then I've been here. But anyway!</p>

<p>White Male
In State
Public High School (One of the largest and best known in NC. We send A LOT of people each year to UNC. Last year 30 or so people were admitted.)
GPA: UW: 3.35 (eh) W: 4.5
Class Rank: 51/357 (14%)
Test Scores:
SAT - Math: 680 Reading: 650 Writing: 700 Essay: 10(1330/2030)
ACT - C: 34 M: 32 R: 34 S: 34 W: 34 Essay: 11
Subj: Math II: 750 Chem: 760
Curriculum: Pretty much the absolute hardest I could take. I'm an IB candidate with HLs (History, Math, English) and SL (Chem, Spanish, Islamic History)
AP/IB Results: AP Euro: 3 APUSH: 4 AP Chem: 5 AP Calc: 5 AP US Gov: 5 IB Chem: 5
IB Islamic History: 5
Senior Year Classes: IB English 12, IB 20th Century History, AP Music Theory, AP Spanish Language, IB Math HL, IB Theory of Knowledge, Peer Helper ( I am my AP Chemistry teacher's assistant - I do lab set up/clean up things and tutor her students. I plan to major in chemistry so her recommendation was a huge plus.), and online H Environmental Science (had no room to fit it in schedule).
Extracirrics: Marching Band for 9th, 10th, 11th, Tobacco Reality Unfiltered - HUGE part in my high school career. We constantly do stuff and achieve our goals (getting all Gboro playgrounds and athletic fields tobacco free, going to several trainings, doing some volunteer work/community service internally, etc.) - I have an extra recommendation from the youth coordinator. (10th, 11th, 12th). Volunteer about 180 hours as an Association of Zoos and Aquariums trained docent at the Natural Science Center of Greensboro. Clubs at school: Model UN (12th), Creativity, Action, Service (11th, 12th), Act to Conserve the Environment (11th), National Honor Society (11-12)
Awards: IB Diploma Candidate, A-B Honor Roll (9-11), Academic Excellence with Special Honors (9-11, school GPA award), AP Scholar with Distinction</p>

<p>Yeah, I think that's it. I'm a first-gen college student if that makes any difference.</p>

<p>I appreciate it and good luck to everyone! :)</p>

<p>I would say in. Especially with an scores like that…DAAAAMNN</p>

<p>Sounds like you’re in to me!</p>

<p>match …</p>

<p>In state… i would say you are in, especially considering your ACT score</p>

<p>Ah! I’m so jealous, you got to take Islamic History! My school doesn’t offer it.</p>

<p>I’m certainly not a chancing expert, but your stats look great. Good luck!</p>

<p>While we’re on the subject, could anyone briefly explain ACT scores? The SAT is SO much more popular in my area, I really don’t know what’s considered a good score vs. a bad one. For example, what would equate to, say, a 1300? Thanks soooo much :)</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! I really appreciate and good luck to everyone else!</p>

<p>Kelcey, ACT scores are on a 36 point scale. Here’s a chart that sort of compares the scores, not sure how reliable, but it’s certainly an estimate: [SAT-ACT</a> Conversion chart](<a href=“http://www.spartanburg6.k12.sc.us/dhs/Guidance%20website/SAT-ACT%20Conversion%20chart.html]SAT-ACT”>http://www.spartanburg6.k12.sc.us/dhs/Guidance%20website/SAT-ACT%20Conversion%20chart.html)</p>

<p>Also, about Islamic History. My school was the only one to offer it (IB version at least) in America, and only for one year. :slight_smile: I guess you could say I got a unique experience out of it.</p>

<p>I would say you’re in</p>

<p>You have a pretty good chance.</p>