Okay - that was exciting!

<p>Hit that logon button - watch the “waiting for housing.ua.edu (or whatever)” appear for several minutes - hoping the whole site doesn’t crash…finally in…be glad we read the tutorial so we zip through the screens…the boys had sent specific instructions about which side of the building, which floor etc. Grab that suite. SUCCESS! Our group of 4 is in the dorms. Whew. That was exciting (but very quick). Look out Ridgecrest East - they’ll be there in August.</p>

<p>T - 20 minutes here.</p>

<p>Exciting and a bit stressful! My daughter’s computer seemed to be going in slow motion! Maybe it just seemed that way. Anyhow, she was able to get the dorm and floor she wanted, but not the exact room. She and her roommates are happy though! :slight_smile: Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>So difficult watching in the background. “Eye on the ball, son!” Done. With much fretting from Dad. Ridgecrest South may never be the same…</p>

<p>Stressful is the word. DD got the dorm and floor she wanted. Pulling in her roommates was easy though. It was the suspense that was hard. The computer kept scrolling for several seconds while it loaded. </p>

<p>D and her roomies are in! Great suite in RCE.
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>VAmomof4 - a big thank you to you and your son for taking care of registering the four boys. My son is excited the guys chose Ridgecrest East, and the 2nd floor is great because its on the same floor as the laundry room. I think it will be a great year for them - roll tide!</p>

<p>DS was pulled in by his roomies in RCE! Sounds like the place to be!</p>

<p>My son will be on 2nd floor RCE for his second year! Sounds like he will have lots of new neighbors!</p>

<p>Excellent! It’ll be nice to have some “veterans” nearby in RCE. </p>

<p>DS got into RCS with exactly the floor and location he wanted, and also found out that he has been accepted to do Alabama Action. He’s very happy!</p>

<p>DD and roomies are in RCE too! </p>

<p>It was an anxious feeling as we were waiting for 6:00. But glad that son got what he and his roommates wanted. RCS!!!</p>