Old HS GPA Problem (Can it be Fixed?)

<p>I pretty sure that this can't be fixed but I just wanted to get others opinions the problem is that a class I attended said that I do not get credit because of no attendance but I know that I have not missed the amount of time that qualifies for no attendance and I was the type of student who would arrive to each class 5 minutes early and never miss school without a doctors note I've made a attempt to have it corrected in the past when I graduated and was told it would be checked over and for a while after graduation I thought it was fixed but when I received my transcripts later on when I was ready to apply it is still on there the school faculty basically as long as I graduated it shouldn't matter and it is now too old to fix I have my own personal reasons why I had to put off college a little while that I intend to inform all of the schools about in detail but I'm thinking that a no attendance will look bad to schools because it says that I don't attend school and there is no explanation with the transcripts to show my schools error and I believe it lowers my GPA I am unsure if it is enough to matter I am certain that my HS made a mistake because of a teacher quitting but should I try to get it fixed no matter how high I have to go or leave it as is and apply to my schools</p>