DD, an admitted student, recently visited Olin, stayed overnight and sat in couple of freshman classes. She is an excellent student with near perfect academic records and a slew of advanced math, science and engineering courses under her belt, but, I have never seen her so excited about any of her classes in high school. She thought the class projects were interesting and meaningful, students were engaged and had done substantive work, and the faculty were friendly, approachable, involved and were offering insightful feedback to students throughout the period. She thinks this is the type of program that results in significant learning from the start. What else can one ask for?
Nothing Perhaps the parents can go too?
This is the reason why so many other schools are interested with the things Olin have been doing, and are bringing some of it back to their campuses. As Dr. Miller (President of Olin) says, the school is a laboratory for reinventing how engineering is taught.
@Emotive , My D had a similar experience. As the story goes, she sat through a class that was a discussion regarding the Engineering Grand Challenges. Apparently the professor was meeting someone right after lunch to discuss the classes takes on the discussion and that person had an afternoon meeting the next day with President Obama to discuss it. Talk about fast track to changing the world. if she wasn’t blown away before, she certainly was after that experience.
@NoVADad99 Now that I think about it, maybe Olin should offer a graduate level program in engineering design and innovation for professionals. A few evening classes per semester should do it, I’ll sign up!
@MuggleMom What great learning opportunities, I am really excited for these kids.
When my D was agonizing over her final choices, the classroom experience at Olin was the deciding factor. She had a vary similar experience to the OP’s daughter – did an overnight in April, attended a class called Stuff of History, where the students were presenting projects they were working on and thought “Where else am I going to find an educational experience this cool?”. That ended up being the difference maker.