I’m having a tough time to decide where to go to school, and I would really appreciate some input on this.
My two top choices are Olin College and Georgia Tech, and I would be studying ECE (probably on the computer engineering side) at both schools. Cost is just about the same (manageable amount of debt), though I live in the greater Boston area so GT would be significantly more travel. I’m probably independent enough to be fine with the distance, but the logistics would obviously be more complicated.
With ECE, I’m mainly interested in exploring research projects related to robotics and autonomous systems, and I (at least in high school) don’t really have issues with theory-based classes or a competitive environment. At the same time, I do enjoy project-based learning and don’t discount its value. However, many local engineers I have spoken to express concern over Olin’s nontraditional curriculum, and I personally worry about going to such a tiny school. I would definitely love to pursue technical jobs (internships, etc.) and would prefer for them to be in the Boston area.
Socially, I’m pretty extroverted but I’m not really into partying. At the same time, I would love to interact with a large and diverse group of people in college and work on interesting projects with them. Any advice would be appreciated.