
<p>Has anyone heard about this school? My counselor told me it's a pretty good school but I've never heard about it before.</p>

<p>yeah it's a great engineering school. it's free but I heard it's hard to get in...</p>

<p>Opened recently in 1997, became accredited only last year, but has already been established as an elite engineering and sciences college. Has only a few hundred undergraduates, very close student community (the e-mail system is open to all students, and thus can send our group e-mails on the entire student mail list), but the college also has a strong moral code that all students must oblige.</p>

<p>Also, an account of a freshman initiation at the school: the student's scalp is shaved, and over the next few weeks the growth of the hair is measured to calculate the friction coefficient of the student's hair. True story.</p>

<p>Here' a thread with some interesting stuff about Olin: <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=191561&highlight=deep+springs%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=191561&highlight=deep+springs&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Probably the smarterst kid in my D's HS graduating class (HS 2006, college 2010) -- a Presidential Scholar -- chose to go to Olin. He loves it so far.</p>

<p>Also no tuition at Olin. The Olin Foundation picks up that cost. Their web site estimates costs at about 16K for Room, Board, Laptop and Mandatory fees (Health & Student Activities) and books and supplies. I believe the class size is around 300 kids.</p>

<p>To clarify: the total undergraduate student body is around 300 kids. For the class of 2011, the Olin website says they are looking to enroll 75.</p>

<p>According to the Olin website, for the Class of 2010 there were 784 applicants, 190 were invited to the "candidates' week" (see below), 137 were admitted, and 89 enrolled.</p>

<p>The College Board site reports the following as the mid-50% SAT scores:</p>


<p>From the Olin site, re admissions:</p>

<p>"The admission process at Olin College is unique. There are no "early decision" or "early action" options – our only application deadline is January 1, 2007 – and the initial review process will conclude by late January. Approximately 170 applicants will be chosen as finalists or "Candidates" and invited to our campus to participate in a design project, individual interviews and team exercises in late February and early March. Therefore, it is critical that all parts of your application (including the senior year progress report) are submitted or postmarked by January 1, 2007."</p>

<p>And, yes, all students get a scholarship covering tuition for four years.</p>

<p>AMAZING SCHOOL - if u get in, go</p>

<p>If you have time check out the Olin forum (located</a> here), esp. this thread.</p>

<p>In short, Olin is an amazing school. As a applicant this year, it is currently tied for first with MIT in my extremely unscientific rankings. Definitely check it out!</p>

<p>do they offer majors other like engineering? or maybe even biomedical engineering? oh wow i still can't get over the fact that there are only 300 people there! that's like 1/4 of my high school!</p>