<p>So somewhere along the line, I must have confused the "ACT Plus writing can be used as a substitute for the two SAT Subject tests" of UPenn with MIT's "all students must take two subject tests"</p>
<p>So now I am here. Midway through the application process. Loads of stuff to do. Realizing that I need two- 2 WHOLE MORE SATs this January. </p>
<p>I am sad. =(</p>
<p>I am specially sad because I took the Math SAT 1 and got a 670. Yes, I know that here in CC, that sucks. However, I am actually pretty good at math, not an absolutely genius, but good. </p>
<p>And over the summer, I took the practice Math SAT 2 and got a wonderful score of 470 (~) which I guess was appropriate seeing as how my pre-cal teacher skipped 3 chapters because we ran out of time. </p>
<p>It’s OK, I guess when you’ll be at MIT, you’ll be freaking out quite a few times :), so at least you can view it as a nice obstacle and test pre-MIT.</p>
<p>Optimism is seeing each obstacle as a stepping stone toward greater success.</p>
<p>Get studying is your only option. D took practice tests on both the Math I and Math II and they were both low Math II 500+ and Math I 600+. She got a couple books and studied for a few weeks. In the end, yes she was actually still disappointed math II 790 and Math I 740 (she thought that she had an 800 and the math I was “harder” than the Math II that particular test day) but they are good enough for her application. She did that just through self study. Your bigger problem will be your science. Which one do you go for?</p>
<p>In general, I have been telling D’s friends to make a list of EVERY college which you dream of attending as early as possible. Definitely no later than Junior year. Once you have the list, make a list of the requirements needed. Then you can mix and match the tests that you take over your high school years to cover any possible combination of requirements.</p>
<p>I learned this 4 years ago when a neighbors boy elected to remove his top choice schools from his list because he never realized that SAT IIs were required. He felt he did not have the time or energy to complete those needed tests. His ending was happy but eliminating those schools was a difficult time.</p>
<p>From MIT’s site (It does not look like the Feb test date is an option):</p>
<p>Testing Deadlines and Reporting Scores</p>
<p>In order to apply for freshman admission, you must take the required tests on or before the November test date for Early Action or the January test date for Regular Action.</p>
<p>Please allow plenty of time for your scores to arrive at MIT. It takes at least 4 to 6 weeks for us to receive SAT scores. We recommend that you list MIT as a school to receive your scores when you take the test. If you take the January test, you must list MIT as a school to receive your scores or we will not receive them in time for our review.</p>
<p>If you’ve taken Bio AP, I’d suggest taking that SAT subject test. It’s one of the easier ones. Math on the other hand doesn’t seem to be your forte. Many people applying to MIT probably have 700-800 range SAT II Math 2 scores. The lower ones (below 700) are generally kids who are really good at sports or have some other special quality (designed a robot that one them some national award, etc.). Your best bet would be to go get a private SAT 2 tutor to help you a bit. They generally know some tricks that you probably don’t. </p>
<p>WOW YOU ARE SO STUPID! Haha jk bro! No, but seriously START STUDYING NOW! And definitely take the Math II, NOT Math I, considering MIT is a freaking math and science school! Work on your math a lot, buy the prep books TODAY! And take whatever science you do best in and make sure you practice. WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS! GO NOW! (This part isn’t a joke, seriously get in your car and get the prep books and lock yourself in. Register for the test. You DON’T have a lot of time! GO GO GO!)</p>
MIT actually doesn’t have a preference for either of the math tests or any of the science tests. It doesn’t matter which ones you take, as long as they fit MIT’s requirements.</p>
<p>And Metdeth, I’m sorry you found out so late. On the marginally brighter side, at least you found out before it was totally too late, right?</p>