omg im old

<p>I already feel like i've lost touch with my younger peers.</p>

<p>do any other college kids or graduating seniors feel totally old? i still remember the time of loony tunes, alternative music, and flannel.</p>

<p>And can anyone tell me what “10 char” means? are there any other new words i should know about?</p>

<p>10char is a filler word, to make sure posts make the minimum of 10 characters a post.</p>

<p>loool. yeah I feel a lot older than other people on this forum at least. I don’t hang out with younger people irl.</p>

<p>You guys are old… not even in HS anymore, tsk tsk tsk. ;P</p>

<p>lol that you guys are still in High School Life…it’s about time you guys graduate on to College Life haha</p>

<p>High school life is more entertaining. the only posts in college life are about computers or majors or what classes we’ve signed up for :p</p>

<p>Very true. They’re less receptive to ■■■■■■■■ in college life.</p>

<p>i just feel old cause my sister is a freshman and im going to college</p>

<p>I feel old cause my brother is in 8th grade and I’m going to college…</p>

<p>My brother will be 23 in mid July and he’ll be in college next year and so will I and we’ll be happy and we’ll both be at UCLA and the basketball team will be pretty good.</p>



<p>For serious, don’t most of us remember those times? I’m still in HS and I do. Whenever I’m old. I just remind myself that I’m so much younger than my father. He was born in frigging 1946. I mean, come on. That’s old.</p>

<p>ya ur pretty darn/damn old</p>

<p>Loony Tunes OMG!!! Did anyone here ever watch The Little Lulu Show? My friends assure me it’s a figment of my imagination, but… :(</p>

<p>(Aren’t there any '14-ers who want to take over HSL? It’s about time.)</p>