<p>How's this for college list?</p>
<p>Black Male
Junior in class of '06
3.0 gpa</p>
<p>(580 Verbal+550 Math+640 Writing=
1770/2400 SAT)</p>
<p>expecting either 4 or 5 on AP Eng Lang</p>
<pre><code>* American U
* Davidson C
* Georgia SU
* Haverford C
* Howard U
* Swarthmore C
* Temple U
* U Maryland Coll Park
* U North Car Chap Hl
* U Pennsylvania
<p>Oh yeah, EC's...</p>
<p>-Member of selective school Choir (tenor) since sophmore year
-Member of non-selective school Chorus since sophomore year
-Member of uber-selective school A Cappella group since beginning of this year
-FOCUS member (Bible study group)
-Writing for school paper since freshman year (next year will be Head of News)</p>
<p>Honestly, despite your URM status, a lot of those schools are reaches. You should probably hit Howard, American, Georgia, Maryland (depending if you are a resident). However, the others with someone with your stats are big reaches. URMs with 1300s don't even get into some of those schools listed. I personally, had a 1450 and am just a regular white dude lol, didn't get into U of Penn, good luck buddy!!</p>
<p>clarification for RBase07 : ^^1450/1600</p>
<p>I also agree with collegekid. I would also possiblly look at NYU. I do not think that Temple would be a reach for you.</p>
<p>yeah sorry lol, it was a 1450 out of 1600 pts, but tag on my writing it was a 1450 + 740 writing = 2190.</p>
<p>3.0 is a really low gpa too... at LEAST 3.5+ is average for most good colleges... 3.0+ means "college bound" but that includes all the mediocre ones too</p>
<p>but then again, every case is different... i mean im sure there are 3.0s that got into harvard, but like... 1 out of a bunch so chance wise, statistic wise.. blah blah</p>
<p>just apply everywhere man</p>
<p>what are your interests? are your classes balanced gradewise or are there subjects that you are getting As in?
How are your reccommendations and essays going to be?
any sports or volunteer activities?</p>
<p>why did you make THAT the title of this thread????</p>
<p>It caught your attention, didn't it??</p>
<p>well, u r a URM, so congrats, you can probably get in half of those colleges, which are impossible to get in for white/asian dudes w/ ur stat</p>
<p>hey kandy, i have a 3.0 and got into reed, hampshire with a 10K/year scholarship, ucdavis, and waitlisted at chicago/smith (took myself out) so..it varies per person.</p>
<p>which is why i said "every case is different"... but im jus saying that chancewise 3.0 is likely to be not accepted than accepted, but then who knows? example:</p>
<p>NYU - 97% had h.s. GPA of 3.0 and higher
3% had h.s. GPA of 2.0 - 2.99</p>
<p>Princeton - 100% had h.s. GPA of 3.0 and higher </p>
<p>so you CAN get into schools with 3.0, but its just incredibly hard. u have to have
of other stuff to back you up.</p>
<p>I think that you have good chances at Temple, American, Georgia State and Howard. My guess is that Georgia State would be a safety. The others would be matches.</p>
<p>I think your chances are close to 0 for Swat, Harverford, Davidson, Penn and UNC. With such low board scores, a low gpa, and unremarkable ECs, I don't know why you are considering some of the most select schools in the country. Being a URM does not mean that top colleges will automatically accept you.</p>
<p>For anyone-- URMs included -- with SATs in your range, to get into those highly select colleges on your list, they'd need either sky high grades, excellent ECs demonstrating leadership or major talent and/or a history of having overcome some major challenge such as being homeless.</p>
<p>For the record, I have seen URMs (including National Merit finalists) be rejected and waitlisted at Ivies and similar colleges with 1410 and higher SATs, national achievements in ECs, and with all AP courses. This even has happened to legacies.</p>
<p>The one URM whom I personally know who got into Davidson was ranked in the top 5% of his class, was taking all AP/IBs, and had major leadership positions plus a higher SAT than you have.</p>
<p>580 + 550 = 1130... that is INCREDIBLY low</p>
<p>you'll get into american probably... if u fill out your apps right</p>
<p>or you can be like that dude from the movie orange county and get into stanford cuz your councillor's a crackhead hahahahaha</p>
<p>I know an URM (very well) who got into NYU and Tulane with a 1010 on his SAT. Going to Howard next year. However, he held a couple of leadership positions and lives in the boonies of Alabama (geographical boost?).</p>
<p>ecnerwalc, yes, Alabama was a boost for that URM (and for anyone else from that state applying to elite schools). If the student's grades were high, that also would have indicated that the student could do the work at a tough school like NYU or Tulane. GPA is a better prediction of college grades than are SAT scores.</p>
<p>In looking at Rbase's back posts, I notice that he comes from Pennsylvania and attends a Quaker school in Germantown. That may actually provide a boost at Haverford and Swat, though I still see them as reaches. Quaker schools also are known for excellence, so colleges may not view his 3.0 as being undesireablly low.</p>
<p>I think he's also first generation college, which also would boost his chances. </p>
<p>I still doubt that he'll get into U Penn or UNC.</p>
<p>If he likes Quaker colleges, he also would have a good shot at Guilford in N.C., which also meets his parent's criterion that he go to an East Coast college.</p>
<p>I still think Davidson is a distant reach. However, no one on this board is expert, so, Rbase, certainly put applications in to all colleges that interest you. Don't take anyone here's word as gospel.</p>
<p>Are you applying to U Pitt or Penn. State? You need to make sure to apply to some schools in which you are guaranteed admission and know that you can afford. Typically in-state schools are the best bet for these. Make sure that your safety also is a college that you'd enjoy going to.</p>
<p>As a fellow urm and a southerner(MS) to boot I have to say your chances are not that great at UNC or Penn. I can say this from personal experience. Unless you have something that will set you apart and put in a further minority you should start looking for some safeties and maybe transferring later. But then again you never know I did get into so rather selective schools and will be going to Vanderbilt.</p>