<p>Fill out the financial aid stuff. Things can change in a heartbeat and you don't want to have to deal with the FAFSA when you're really under pressure. It's really not that bad. However, for ED, if you don't have a FAFSA account, it may be a problem because if I remember correctly, they mail the PIN.</p>
<p>I'm not sure what you mean by "I am applying through my name 100%" </p>
<p>Frankly, on an income of $90-$100K, unless you have a bunch of cash or assets, I don't see how you're going to pay for UPenn without fin aid.</p>
<p>If you are going to Wharton, you can figure out FAFSA and the Profile. Can you do it by midnight tomorrow? Well that's up to you.</p>
<p>If you are going to Wharton, you better be able to do this. It's soo hard because you are starting too late for ED.
Ask yourself these questions:
1) Can you pay for UPenn without financial aid?
2) If no, then what other choice do you have but to apply for fin aid?
3) Do you HAVE to apply ED? If financial aid is an issue, you should not be applying ANYWHERE ED. Period.
If financial aid is not an issue, then blow it off.
Get help. If your parents can't help you, somebody else can. I will. But not by midnight tomorrow.</p>
<p>First of all being 17 years old you, no one is going to give you a loan equivalent to the amount of full tuition at Wharton. </p>
<p>So please do not go into this with the mind set that you are going to borrow what you need. The maxium amount of money you will be able to borrow from the federal government for a stafford loan (subsidized or unsubsidized) as a freshman is $2650. If your parents are deemed to be not credit worthy then you will be credit worthy then you can borrow an additional $4000. this does not make a dent in the cost of attendance at Penn.</p>
<p>If you need financial aid, apply for it. IF your parents are not on board with the fact that they may have to come out of pocket to the tune of approximately $20,000 and it is not their buy-in, *** do not apply ED*** but cause you wil ljust end up in a bind with no choices.</p>