<p>sadly, ihavent chosen where im going yet
well i already turned in my deposit for syr. asked them and said icould have the money back . </p>
<p>syracue VS. MICA for illustration major.:) </p>
<p>syracuse: got 22K grant a year long long winter :( in middle of nowhere
5hrs away from NYC </p>
<p>MiCA: got 15K grant a year , better weather than syracues.
my brother goes school around MICA so it might be easier for me or something :p? </p>
<p>ireally dont know what to do </p>
<p>the thing is i want to go to a university so i can learn alot of stuff from a variety of peple
whereas from art school, it would be easier than a university ( im guessing) and focus more on art.</p>
<p>I would choose MICA. My cousin went there and loved it.
I spent 2 years at Syracuse and transferred. It is a long cold rural winter there and the population is not very down to earth.</p>
<p>Syracuse and MICA were 2 of the 4 colleges my son applied to. He ended up at MICA majoring in Illustration, and he would tell you he’s 100% sure he made the right choice.</p>
<p>I liked both Syracuse and MICA, and would say that if you’re sure you want to be an artist and an Illustration major, then MICA would be the better choice. I think Illustration is one of MICA’s strongest programs. </p>
<p>That said, given today’s economic climate combined with the fact that up to 50% of college students change their major, I personally think students should think long and hard(as it sounds like you are) before committing to an art school. Also, there are pros and cons to being exposed to students with a variety of interests versus students strictly studying art. I think Syracuse is one of the better schools if one is looking to get a good all around education while studying art.</p>
<p>Good luck in your decision.</p>
<p>omg thank you so much
<p>you transferred from syracuse? why? did you not like the edu/social life or something?
im being really bad b/c ikeep changing my mind and it’s really hard
iknow iknow :/im doing this at the last min.</p>
<p>ahhhhyour son 's majoring in art? wow and 100% right choice? ithought MICA didn’t have a good illst.major . b/c from what i heard, they only have strong painting/finearts b/c that college is like so traditional 
thanksss alottt it helped :p</p>
<p>My son would say MICA was 100% the right choice; I say only time will tell whether art school was the right choice for him.</p>
<p>You’re right, MICA’s Illustration major isn’t well known compared to it’s Fine Arts. I hear it’s a popular major, though. My son says the professors are talented, sucessful illustrators. I’ve seen the work of the seniors, and think it’s excellent. I’m not an artist, but I believe having good fine arts skills are critical to being a good illustrator. I think if you excel at drawing, painting, and sculpture you can be a good illustrator.</p>
<p>I transferred from Syracuse because of the weather and the people. The sky is just always gray there and snow on the ground all winter. It gets depressing after a while. The people tend to be on the cliquey snobby side. Maybe the art dept. would have more interesting people, I don’t know. Also it is in the middle of nowhere with not much to do and not many places to go nearby. I transferred to NYU and was much happier.</p>
<p>Good luck with your decision.</p>