<p>It's probably my weakest area. I am a sophomore, but I admit I don't do much. Earlier this year I joined my school's coalition for community service (so many members you wouldn't believe) but it fell apart for some reason.
Really wanna get into Dartmouth, though.</p>
<p>On the admissions website, it says that only 57% of the matriclating class of 2010 participated in community service. That said, many of the other 43% were probably prep school kids and/or people who had done other amazing things. I personally didn't become super involved in community service until junior year and I was accepted.</p>
<p>Tutor a younger kid in some subject you're good at. Spend a school vacation helping Habitat for Humanity. Find out what, if anything, your church has organized. Volunteer on a town committee to help figure out what amusements to provide for teens in your town. Help organize an event to raise money for a cause you truly believe in. (AIDS, breast cancer, MS, gun control). Volunteer at Planned Parenthood or a suicide prevention hotline or a domestic abuse hotline.</p>
<p>Some of this stuff might even be interesting.</p>