On Campus Housing Advice From Current Freshman

<p>Hey, just thought I'd offer my opinion on which dorms here are the best as I was looking for similar information last year when applying for housing.</p>

<p>Most people prefer the suite style housing over community style dorms. Suite style offers a little more privacy and, generally, slightly larger rooms, but honestly community style isn't nearly as bad as many people make it out to be.</p>

<p>I live in Wildwood, a suite style building, but I have plenty of friends that live in the older community style buildings such as Kellum and Salley. In many ways I almost prefer the community style-- it's A LOT more social; it's very easy to meet people whereas in the suite style dorms you're going to have to make more of an effort knocking on doors, etc. Also, the bathrooms are all recently renovated and are cleaned every single day-- something that surely doesn't occur in the suite style dorms where you have to clean your own bathroom (with lazy college students, especially guys, these can get pretty nasty). Another note on the bathroom, in my suite all four of us have class at 10 AM on MWF, which means we're all fighting over the shower at the same time; I've never heard of anyone having to wait on a shower in the community style bathroom (they're in private stalls, it's not like you're showering with other people).</p>

<p>Anyways, here's my rankings on which dorms are best:</p>

<p>Suite Syle:</p>

<p>1) DeGraff (Brand new, and it's technically off campus across the street [there's an underground tunnel to campus]. It's a gated in and offers a nice sense of privacy with nicely kept grounds)</p>

<p>2) Wildwood (Also brand new, but it's not really close to anything-- bit of a walk to either of the dining halls, etc)</p>

<p>3) Gilchrist (An older dorm, but recently rennovated offers larger than average rooms and it's right next to Landis Green and Suwanee Room (dining hall)</p>

<p>4) Cawthon (Also older, but offers larger rooms and it's literally on Landis Green which is a nice area of campus)</p>

<p>Community Style:</p>

<p>Of the community style I'd say Kellum may actually be the nicest, despite it's reputation as the worst dorm on campus ("Kellum Hellum"). The only other one I'd stay in is Smith, but it's really not very nice.</p>


<p>1) Dorman (By far the worst dorm on campus. Small rooms, and you don't even get a sink or a mirror)</p>

<p>2) Deviny (Right next to dorman, same situation-- no mirror/sink and it's really old)</p>

<p>I live in Kellum and I am satisfied for living in a community style dorm. It’s almost like Smith except that Kellum has closets. The bathrooms are actually really nice and I was dreading them but you get used to everything. It is really easy to meet people in here as well with socials, riding the elevator (lol), and just being around the hall. The room is a lot bigger than I expected. Kellum is getting old though so don’t be surprised when you hear a lot of fire alarms. :slight_smile: Smith Hall is not as bad either. Sure, they are small, but it is also a very social dorm as well. I’ve been there and on some floors they all leave their doors open and socialize. I have been to Wildwood and DeGraff and it just seems so big. You really don’t need all that much space. My stuff fits very comfortable in Kellum and I pay a bit less than people who live in Wildwood and DeGraff. DeGraff, I’ve noticed, is a very social dorm as well. Every time I’ve been there there’s always people out and about in the courtyard. If anyone wants to know anything about Smith or Kellum, I can probably provide some answers. :D</p>

<p>Here’s my opinion on housing:</p>

<p>I’m in currently in Landis, and like it for the most part. Since I’m on the fifth floor, it’s pretty quiet, and I don’t really know the other girls on my hall. Maybe the other halls are more social, but mine is extremely quiet and private. My friends in Kellum, Salley, and Smith, all say that they’re tight with the other girls on their floor, while my friends in the newer dorms say that they don’t really know their floormates.</p>

<p>Personally, I like the look of older rooms…they have character and charm that the newer rooms don’t have. True, you have to use community style bathrooms, but you also make a ton of friends. </p>

<p>I think it just depends on your personal preference. If you’re more quiet and private, I would choose a newer dorm, but if you’re into socializing and meeting lots of people, go for an older dorm, with a community style plan. </p>

<p>Either way, FSU dorms are generally thought to be better than many other state schools’ dorms, so it’s win-win! :]</p>

<p>Hope this helped…</p>

<p>I’ll go ahead and throw in my opinion.
The community style halls are more social. Actually more like the entire west side of campus is more social (for grouping with people on the same floor.) However this wears out as you find your niche. More likely you’ll either find yourself the hangout room (if you live in the older dorms) or you’ll be traveling to the west side of campus for the hangout room.
Personally, and I know many others who think the same, I avoid the community halls (especially kellum) at all costs because of the extremely limited visitation hours (yes, they are enforced via citation.) If you find that you make many friends of the opposite sex (or want to bring back a gf/bf for some late night horror movies) I would def consider that downside heavily.
I prefer suite-style. Between the four of us we switch off cleaning the bathrooms every two weeks. I’ve never had to wait for a shower (though there is a spare in the hallway of my floor along with a toilet) or to use the restroom.
A little info…

  • Gilchrist (IMO the Best dorm): Relaxed attitude all around. You won’t find many people blasting stereos (that’s what the older west side dorms are for) which seems to make the staff much more leniant if you do get a little noisy. Semi-social. Great spacious rooms. Great location with Montague’s (a little sub and campus store) literally five steps away along with sitting on Landis Green and a couple min walk from Suwanee. A campus bus-stop a minute walk away.</p>

<li><p>Cawthon: I’ve heard it’s very nice. Also has great location off landis.</p></li>
<li><p>Wildwood: New, clean inside. I stayed there for orientation. The paper thin walls drove me nuts. And I have no idea why but my water pressure sucked too. Close to the gym but pretty far from either dining hall and the union. Nothing really special.</p></li>
<li><p>Degraff: Pretty far to the skirts of the campus. You walk through the underground “rape tunnel” to get there. New, so fairly nice inside.</p></li>
<li><p>Landis: (Honors only) The best dorm if you are looking for a room to sleep and study. I’ve heard silent hours are seriously enforced and that it’s not very social.</p></li>
<li><p>Salley: I don’t like the layout of the common room inside the suites. It leaves very little sleeping space (clausterphobic, hard to squeeze friends in) while the common room tends to turn into a pigsty. Pretty cruddy feel. More social.</p></li>
<li><p>Kellum and Smith: Smith is now the new worst dorm on campus (due to the renovated Kellum bathrooms- if I remember right.) They both are crammed and again, pretty cruddy. Known to be the most social (for meeting friends. again, if you are a night owl with opposite sex friends beware.)</p></li>

<p>I’ve never even heard of the citations in Kellum, lol. I have people (male and female) over at honestly all hours of the night and RAs see me and never say anything. Hmm!</p>

<p>I have a citation hearing Thursday from Kellum. And for being there on Halloween, of all days!</p>

<p>That’s so ridiculous… :-/</p>

<p>Here are some pictures I took of Kellum. If you want any other pics let me know!</p>

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<p>"Great location with Montague’s (a little sub and campus store) literally five steps away "</p>

<p>Unfortunately, Montague’s closed for business over the thansgiving break and won’t be reopening. I tried to go in there today and saw a note on the door.</p>

<p>I live in Gilchrist, and I enjoy it here. The only downside really is the fact that they require you to buy a meal plan (which is a huge ripoff IMO). I like the suite style rooms, and I don’t have a problem with showering etc… (except the fact that my suitemate keeps leaving my side of the door locked after using the bathroom)
I would stay away from the older dorms, but you really can’t go wrong with most of the dorms here. Make sure you fill out the housing application soon to get a good pick though.</p>

<p>i’m choosing dorms right now but what happens if i am invited and choose to be in the honors program…how do i change to landis?</p>

<p>Same question as LaVieEnChocolat…</p>

<p>You can go back at any time between now and March and change your choices. You just sign back on to housing and rearrange your choices. It is not until just before they start to work on housing assignments that you are stuck. You can go back multiple times and change right up until the end. If you are 17 and have to send in the hard copy with a parents signature, you only have to do that the first time, and then you can change away and do not have to resend.</p>

<p>Go to preview. All housing is open and there are students assigned for tours. We went and visited 4-5 dorms and D got a real feel for the dorms.</p>

<p>My son lives in Landis. We waited and waited to decide on the dorm and we really didn’t think he’d still get Landis, but he did. He did get a triple even though we requested a double. He really likes the dorm and now gives some of the tours.</p>

<p>krisssyyy - loved the pictures of kellum–brings back memories from my freshman year - I was on the 10th floor facing Tenn. Do the elevators stop at every floor now? They use to only stop at 3, 6 & 9 unless you were lucky to have an RA riding with a key. LOL</p>

<p>Landis is nice and all but I live in a room with two other guys and share a bathroom among 5 people. Suffice to say, no one wants to clean up.</p>

<p>just remember, that if you are intending on rooming with a friend from high school, FSU will use the higher of the two priority numbers you submit. So for example, if you have a priority number of 800 and your friend has a priority number of 2,500, FSU will place you in a dorm based upon your friends number of 2,500. Be careful about this. In many ways it may be best to meet new people anyway and break a bit from the HS crowd.</p>

<p>Closing Montague’s?! Oh no! I love that store for late night study snacks!</p>

<p>I got priority number 1198… do you think that will be good engouh to get into one of my tops choices? </p>

<p>My top 4 were:</p>

<p>Wildwood, Salley, Gilchrist, and Broward… but I can’t remember which order they were in lol.</p>

<p>You have a good shot. To be honest, not all of those ahead of you will end up living on campus. Some will have several acceptances and ultimately will choose to go elsewhere. Some will be in the honors dorm. Some will live off campus. Usually if you are close to 1000 you’ll be in one of your choices.</p>

<p>how are the single rooms w/ baths?</p>

<p>at kellum? at the newer ones (near landis)?</p>

<p>and are there many of people who choose these rooms?</p>

<p>my parents are set on sending me to one of these rooms no mater how much I argue about price and social restrains…</p>

<p>AT9, my priority number was around 3500, and I still got into my first choice, Landis. Don’t worry :]</p>