Hello! I am a transfer student and I have been looking at UCR’s website to look for my housing options. However, I don’t quite understand some of their informations?
For example, on their site, http://housing.ucr.edu/housing-options/campus-apartments/falkirk.html, what do they mean by “single/double occupancy room”?
Why are there 2 Bedrooms with the option to choose “single occupancy room”? Aren’t I sharing the apartment with someone?
Also, do I choose 2019-20 or 2018-19?
Single occupancy means you have your own bedroom. Double means you’re sharing the (bed)room with someone. There are multiple bedrooms in the apartment.
Hope that clears things up!
ETA: choose 2019-2020.
@cloud7 Thank you for helping me
If you have the time, could you clarify some more questions for me?
I am from out of states student and don’t quite understand American housing terms/etiquettes. But here goes…
- I can't seem to find a "single-occupancy apartment" on their website. Do they provide this kind of apartment? Is this the one, http://housing.ucr.edu/housing-options/family-student-housing.html? For this "family housing", it says utilities and parking are included. Does that mean I don't need to buy my own WiFi? Do I need to pay for the utility bills (water, gas, eletric, etc)? Do I need to buy my own appliances, like fridge, heater/ac etc?
- On this page, http://housing.ucr.edu/housing-options/campus-apartments/bannockburn.html, the first option only has one bedroom, YET it says "shared kitchen/bath"? Who am I sharing it with?
I am kind of a picky roommate since I shared a dorm room with several people growing up, which I hated and still do. So I want to live by myself in my own space for now.
- Family housing is for people who are married and/or have kids.
- That's confusing! It looks like there's only one bedroom from the picture but I think there are actually two (no idea where they put the second one, though).
I think for all university housing you would have to share a bathroom/kitchen (but you could still have your own room if you choose single-occupancy).