on campus interview thank u note

<p>should i email the person... or send a card to their admissions office?</p>

<p>what do u all think?</p>

<p>Yes! Particularly if it went well. Thank them for their time and perhaps emphasize a greater interest based on the interview.</p>

<p>It does not hurt and is a polite gesture.</p>

<p>Email is fine. A nice gesture. Send a card only if the interveiw was outstanding and you made a personal connection.</p>

<p>ok good deal =)
i just didnt know if i should flood their admissions office with more mail…esp at this time of yr…
they prob wont even read it lol</p>

<p>If anything they will appreciate that you appreciated their time! Too much of there work goes unnoticed and they will certainly not be dissapointed to read another letter</p>