On Changing Professors/Courses after registration

<p>My question pertains to community college in particular Santa Monica College. I know this is a rather vague question and the answers will vary depending on which college you attend. But I was wondering if it was possible to change professors after you have registered for your classes. The reason I ask this is in part due to my late enrollment date. I'm almost certain that I won't receive the best pick in classes and as we all know college admissions is a game (unfortunately) and I've come to accept that. With that said I'm looking forward to the receiving a quality education with good professors.</p>

<p>Anyway thanks for reading and any advice would be great!</p>

<p>Yes and No. I know confusing but it really depends on the professor. Its not something that is in school policy so to speak but rather its really to the professor's discretion. Iv'e seen it happen where a classmate of mine at pasadena city college talked to our professor and asked her if she could talk to another professor about letting her switch over even with her grades and all (It worked because they both gave out the same exact tests) because of issues with her family that no longer allowed her to take our sextion of the course. Can you log on lin and have it switched or see the admissions and simply turn in a slip and boom its done... no but like I said it has been done before.</p>

<p>sorry about the freudian slip meant to say section.lol.</p>