On CR I miss the level 3 questions, not the level 5 ones

<p>I suppose a majority of you will tell me that i am working too quickly but it definitely doesn't feel that way; I usually finish with ~2 minutes remaining to check over work. Every time i look over my answers i repeatedly make mistakes on level 3 questions and rarely, if ever, make mistakes on level 4 and 5 questions. Does anyone have an explanation for this?</p>

<p>EDIT: This only applies to the passage-based questions, not the sentence-completions.</p>

<p>You’re making them harder than they are is the only explanation I can come up with. For me… I think I don’t make the level 5s seem hard enough haha</p>

<p>Haha, i can actually relate to what you’re saying. I remember a while back i had gotten a level 3 question wrong but i was looking for deeper implications. This led me to choose an answer that wasn’t actually supported by the passage but rather could be extrapolated from the passage more easily. Thanks for the response.</p>

<p>Level 4 and 5 tend to be more abstract and comparison based. Level 3 questions usually deal with detail and context.</p>

<p>This is what I remember about the CR section anyway. You might have a problem answering questions that are more concrete, as opposed to abstract and conceptual based.</p>